catalan way

Catalonia sees a 2.5% increase in overnight hotel stays among foreigners during July

August 23, 2013 09:29 PM | ACN

According to figures released by the Spanish Institute of Statistics, overnight hotel stays among foreigners in Catalonia have increased by 2.5% during July compared to the same month of 2012. While there has been an increase in the amount of foreigners visiting, the rate of hotel stays among the Spanish population in Catalonia is down by 7.3%. In total, the amount of overnight stays among foreigners in Catalonia during July was 5.82 million, while for Spanish nationals this figure was 1.57 million. Catalonia accounts for 23.2% of total hotel stays among foreigners in Spain, second only to the Balearic Islands with 37.9%.

Catalonia received 2.1 million foreign tourists in July, once again being the most popular destination in Spain

August 22, 2013 09:11 PM | ACN

Since January, 8.7 million foreign visitors have come to Catalonia, a rise of 5.1% on the same period of 2012. Catalonia has become the main tourist destination in the whole of Spain during July, with 2.1 million foreign visitors, according to a survey carried out by the Institute of Touristic Studies. This figure represents a 3.1% rise on July 2012. Catalonia now receives 26.7% of Spain’s total international tourists. French tourists account for the largest share, with an increase of 1.9% on last year, representing a third of all foreign tourists. However, it is Russians that have contributed most to this significant growth. Spain as a whole received 34 million tourists since January, with July setting a new record.

Catalonia leads Spain’s exports, representing 25% of the total exportation during the first half of 2013

August 22, 2013 07:32 PM | ACN

The Spanish Deputy Minister for Trade, Jaime García Legaz, acknowledged on Thursday that Catalonia is the “main exporting community” within Spain. Between January and July, Catalonia’s exports had a value of €29.23 billion, representing 24.6% of Spain’s total in that period. During his speech, García Legaz failed to confirm the statement made by Madrid’s regional Government that more than 1,000 Catalonian companies have moved to Madrid since 2010. He insisted that he lacks “reliable data” on this issue and is therefore “not in a position to make an informed judgement”. A total of seven Autonomous Communities within Spain have experienced an increase in their exports this year.

570,000 jobs have been lost in Catalonia since 2007, according to the trade union UGT

August 21, 2013 09:12 PM | ACN

The General Workers Union (UGT) issued a report stating that the Catalan economy experienced 567,099 job losses between 2007 and 2013. The figure represents a reduction of 16.86% on the total number of jobs that existed in Catalonia 6 years ago. While presenting the report, the UGT’s Secretary for Union Policy, Camil Ros, warned that figures do not show “a recovery of job creation”. Ros criticised the Spanish Government for “lying” and presenting macroeconomic figures in a way that “do not correspond to reality” since there are no signs of economic recovery. “At most, the job reduction has slowed down [its pace]”, he added.

CatalunyaBanc plans a mass layoff of 34% of its staff, affecting some 2,500 workers

August 20, 2013 09:35 PM | ACN

The Catalan bank was nationalised in 2012 and is going through an important restructuring process before being privatised again. Currently, the financial entity is owned by the FROB (Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring), which is run by the Bank of Spain and the Spanish Government. The FROB has been delaying the auction to sell CatalunyaBanc and is now proposing to layoff 2,453 workers of the bank and its subsidiaries, according to trade unions. This would represent firing some 34% of its staff. The company is proposing a compensation of 20 days worth of salary per year worked for those it plans to layoff, following the labour market reform, with a maximum of the equivalent to 12 months salary being given. CatalunyaBanc ended the first half of 2013 with a net profit of €183 million, after having transferred part of its real estate toxic assets to the so-called “bad bank” SAREB.

Business associations criticise Madrid’s report for a lack of accuracy while stating that 1,060 companies left Catalonia

August 20, 2013 09:32 PM | ACN

Catalonia’s main SME association PIMEC and the Catalan Business Circle (CCN) have criticised the regional Government of Madrid for issuing a report not sufficiently backed-up by economic data. In addition, they have accused Madrid’s Finance Minister, who presented the report, of offering a politically-biased version by saying that companies have left Catalonia due to the self-determination debate. PIMEC and CCN stated they do not have data supporting Madrid’s statement. On the contrary, they have data proving that foreign investment has not reduced. In addition, CCN accused the Spanish Government of building a “Greater Madrid” as an economic centre, at the expense of other areas such as Catalonia. PIMEC emphasised the Catalan industrial tradition and the vigour of its economy, although admitted that taxation is higher in Catalonia than in Madrid.

1,060 companies moved from Catalonia to Madrid for tax reasons since 2010, according to Madrid’s Government

August 19, 2013 10:13 PM | ACN

In the last three years, 1,060 companies have moved their headquarters from Catalonia to the region of Madrid, according to a report published by Madrid’s regional Government. The report states that most of them took the decision because of the lower taxes that exist in Spain’s capital, compared to other areas such as Catalonia. Since 2010, 5,000 companies based in the rest of Spain decided to move to Madrid; 21.4% of them were from Catalonia. Paradoxically, 43 cents out of every euro paid in taxes in Catalonia is to pay for investments and services made in other parts of Spain, which turns into an annual fiscal deficit of 8.5% of Catalonia’s GDP, meaning that Catalans are obliged by the Spanish Government to give away €16.5 billion. Meanwhile, the Catalan Government is under-budgeted and obliged to implement severe budget cuts and raise taxes to balance the budget.

IAG will buy 120 new aircraft for the Barcelona-based airline Vueling

August 16, 2013 09:10 PM | ACN

The airline group formed by British Airways and Iberia, IAG, announced it will buy up to 220 new Airbus 320 between 2015 and 2020, 120 of which will be for the recently-purchased Catalan company Vueling. IAG bought the Barcelona-based airline last spring and the operation was authorised in July by the competition authorities. Vueling is currently one of the few profitable airlines in Europe, with a business model evolving from a low-cost airline but offering business services and flying to the main airports in Europe. In fact, the company links Barcelona El Prat with 104 destinations (in Europe, the Middle-East, Russia and Africa) and it has operation bases in Madrid, Paris and Amsterdam, among others. Last July, Vueling increased its number of transported passengers by 18% and flights by 13% on July 2012 figures.

Costa Brava’s Festival of Peralada Castle hosts the world premier of the chamber opera ‘Wow!’

August 14, 2013 09:00 PM | ACN

This Wednesday, the world premier of the chamber opera ‘Wow!’ takes place at the Festival of Peralada Castle, located in northern Catalonia’s Costa Brava. The libretto is inspired by texts written by Oscar Wilde and Walt Whitman, building a relationship between the two poets. The opera will be staged in the cloister of El Carme Church in Peralada, which has a capacity of 400 people. The play is structured in a single act with a prologue and four scenes. It explores the themes of dreaming, death, ascension and immortality. The score and the text are the work of Catalan composer García Demestres, while the stage director is Xavier Albertí, who is the new Director of the National Theatre of Catalonia (TNC).

Barcelona-based Gas Natural Fenosa to stay in Panama for 15 more years through Edernet and Edechi

August 14, 2013 08:55 PM | ACN

The multinational energy company has confirmed it will continue operating in Panama for at least 15 more years through its subsidiary companies Edernet and Edechi, which control 65% of the country’s electricity market, supplying more than 500,000 clients. Gas Natural Fenosa owns 51% of both Edernet and Edechi, while the rest of the shares are controlled by Panama’s Government. The Catalan multinational entered Panama in 1998. According to Gas Natural Fenosa, it has invested more than €400 million to strengthen the electric power network of the Central American country and it foresees an additional investment of €230 million within the next 4 years.

Prices fall in Catalonia in July and set the annual inflation rate at 2.1%

August 13, 2013 09:24 PM | ACN

According to a figures released by the Spanish Institute of Statistics (INE), Catalonia’s annual inflation rate fell from 2.6% to 2.1% between June and July. This is the second lowest annual inflation rate that Catalonia has experienced this year, with the lowest being during April when the figure was 1.8%. July’s annual inflation rate in Catalonia is higher than that of the whole of Spain, which is set at 1.8%. The main reason for this fall on last year’s results can be explained because of the lower rate of increases in electricity prices (compared to last year’s rise), as well as the end of the statistical effect of the pharmaceutical co-payment, which was implemented in July 2012 and significantly raised the consumer price of drugs.

Catalonia has 41 civil servants per 1,000 inhabitants while the Spanish average is 57

August 13, 2013 09:19 PM | ACN

The number of public employees in Catalonia has been reduced by 4.76% over the last year, while in the whole of Spain the reduction was of 3.97%, due to the budget cuts in the public sector. However, the number of civil servants in Catalonia was already significantly lower than the Spanish average, according to a study issued by the SME association PIMEC. In January 2013, there were 40.7 civil servants for every 1,000 inhabitants in Catalonia, while the Spanish average was 57.4 and it reached 79.6 in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura. In fact, 26.7% of the Extremadura’s workforce is employed in the public sector, while the percentage drops to 11.1% in Catalonia. PIMEC stated in its report that, if Catalonia had the same proportion of public employees as the Spanish average, its unemployment rate would drop from 24.5% to 20.5%, with 150,000 fewer jobseekers.

The Catalan Society of Paediatrics denies that children in Catalonia suffer from food deprivation due to economic reasons

August 12, 2013 09:40 PM | ACN

Last week, the Catalan Ombudsman issued a report stating that 4% of children in Catalonia under the age of 16 suffer from food deprivation (50,000 children) and he linked it to the current economic crisis. The Primary Care section of the Catalan Society of Paediatrics refutes the Ombudsman’s report warning that the known cases of undernourished children in Catalonia are due to illness and not to financial problems. They stated there are 750 children with food deprivation and most of whom have chronic diseases that cause malnutrition, such as metabolic disorders, neoplasia or anorexia nervosa. They emphasise that nowadays it is incorrect to talk about children with food deprivation in Catalonia for economic reasons, but they are concerned about the future.

Oriol Maspons, the photographer who depicted life in Barcelona between the 1950s and 1980s, dies aged 84

August 12, 2013 09:28 PM | ACN

Maspons was one of the greatest Catalan photographers of all time. He is famous for his pictures of the former Somorrostro slum in the Barceloneta beach, party life in Ibiza during the 1970s and Barcelona’s left-wing group of bourgeois intellectuals from the 1970s, known as ‘Gauche Divine’. Maspons worked mostly in Catalonia, but also in Paris and the States. In fact, New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) exhibits pictures taken by Oriol Maspons. He received top honours in Catalonia, such as the Catalan Government’s Sant Jordi Cross and Barcelona City’s Gold Medal. In 2010, he donated his private collection of some 5,500 pictures to Catalonia’s National Museum of Art (MNAC), which will organise a “large exhibition” on his work.

A route in southern Catalonia explores the sites that influenced Gaudí, Miró, Picasso and Pau Casals

August 8, 2013 09:35 PM | Julian Scully

The Landscape of the Geniuses tourism project celebrates how the Province of Tarragona (south Catalonia) has influenced the work of four world renowned artists: Antoni Gaudí, Joan Miró, Pau Casals and Pablo Picasso. The route focuses on four municipalities in the Costa Daurada and the Ebro Valley, in which these artists spent a considerable amount of time, and explore how the region left a lasting impression and inspired them in the creation of their work. The route involves 270 points of interest and accommodation facilities that include: museums, architecture, restaurants, hotels and campsites. A tourist card gives access to all of the visitor centres along the route as well as numerous discounts.