Catalan Government assigns €53.4 million to unemployment program, 34% over last year
The program is aimed at people out of work who are not elegible for unemployment benefits or subsidies and to beneficiaries of the minimum income
The program is aimed at people out of work who are not elegible for unemployment benefits or subsidies and to beneficiaries of the minimum income
Puig was previously the general director of the Popular Culture, Local Associations, and Cultural Action group
The 50th anniversary of Maria del Mar Bonet’s stage performances and the first international tour of the Barcelona Municipal Band are amongst the highlights
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Catalonia is re-constituted in the UK Parliament, with MPs and Lords from most parties, including Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem
Jordi Baiget said that the vote, which the Government has announced will be binding, could end up being a remake of the unofficial plebiscite on independence of 2014
The Grec Festival opened its doors this weekend to a total of 102 performances, including one that tells the story of Catalan and Japanese chefs Ferran Adrià and Hiroyoshi Ishidam
ELEN Secretary-General warns that EU support for minority languages “has dropped off in the last decade”
The first movie by Catalan director Carla Simón amongst 10 European films shortlisted
Independence vote receives broad municipal support despite Spain's opposition
Ana Pastor says Spanish chamber rules only allow a Catalan president to appear if proposing legislation and refers him to the Senate
Konrad Adenauer Foundation openly criticizes the People’s Party for not offering political solution to Catalan question
Mayors asked to take "all actions required" to ensure holding of independence vote in manifesto to be launched Saturday
64,000 victims of fascist repression get justice more than 40 years since the end of the dictatorship, including executed president Lluís Companys
Francesc de Dalmases states Catalans will vote in October 1 independence referendum in meeting with think tanks, States representatives and foreign journalists
Some investigations refer to Catalan government’s institutional campaign inviting citizens resident abroad to register on external electoral roll