Spain warns it’s ‘impossible’ to swear in jailed MP Jordi Turull
Parliament session on Saturday to go ahead amid controversy
Parliament session on Saturday to go ahead amid controversy
After imprisonment of current presidential candidate Jordi Turull and other pro-independence officials, deposed leader calls for “firmness and conviction”
Thousands of people take to the streets under motto ‘United against repression’
Presidential candidate Jordi Turull, former parliament speaker Carme Forcadell and three deposed ministers sent to pre-trial prison facing up to 40 years behind bars
All four parties whose members were sent to trial released a unitary statement rejecting judge’s decision
Artists release a manifesto in solidarity with rappers Pablo Hasél, Valtonyc and La Insurgencia, sentenced to prison for their lyrics
The Catalan leader accuses Spain of "forcing people into exile or prison" after finding out that the Spanish judiciary try him for rebellion and misuse of public funds
Attorney general asks Supreme Court to reactivate or issue international detention orders against independence leaders
Three senior MPs step down ahead of their hearing in the Spanish Supreme Court
Party leader Marta Rovira, former speaker Carme Forcadell and deposed minister Dolors Bassa argue they want to "stand up to judicial blackmail"
With pro-independence camp lacking votes to swear in new president, unionist bloc voices displeasure amid calls for an end to direct rule
Independence leader says Catalan conflict is a “European issue” and criticizes Spain over “political prisoners and politicians in exile”
"He is not best option to start new period," says PSC leader Miquel Iceta
Two main pro-independence parties in talks with anti-capitalists to get their four votes to swear in Turull
While Cs wants investiture debate called off, Spanish justice minister admits it is valid and “will go ahead”