Follow live the Catalan trial
Spanish police officers testify on day 33 of proceedings regarding 2017 referendum
Spanish police officers testify on day 33 of proceedings regarding 2017 referendum
As electoral authority approves Junqueras’ press conference from prison, JxCat seeks same allowance for Jordi Sànchez
Spanish authorities banned campaigning in Madrid prisons holding pro-independence leaders
More Spanish police officers testify in session 32 of proceedings regarding 2017 referendum
Guardia Civil officer involved in investigation into 2017 vote names former speaker and government official as "key" players in bid to split from Spain
Police official talks about reports from referendum investigation, with 60 members of Spanish National police to follow
The Catalan Women’s Institute grieves the death of the death of the concentration camp survivor who spent years fighting for recognition of women refugees and in the resistance
Activist Jody Williams says the "human rights" of Catalan independence leaders on trial must be defended
Spanish government turns down petition by ERC party
Alfred Bosch asks how Brussels can be "so strict with those applying to enter the Union, and not so strict with member states"
Follow live the testimonies of law enforcement officers who took part in the operation to stop the referendum
Supreme Court denies six Catalan politicians permission to leave prison
Som el 80% pressure group urges candidates to include release of "political prisoners" and rejection of "repression" in their electoral programs
Tamara Carrasco can’t leave Viladecans despite dismissal of initial charges of terrorism and rebellion from pro-independence protests
"Sophisticated" devices were prepared by experts in town close to former president's Waterloo residence, say investigation sources