President defies electoral authority, keeps yellow ribbons on public buildings
Quim Torra challenges electoral authority decision to remove "partisan symbols" from government façades
Quim Torra challenges electoral authority decision to remove "partisan symbols" from government façades
Raül Romeva and party leader Oriol Junqueras will lead their campaigns in Spanish election from prison
The proposal was forwarded and passed by pro-independence parties, while unionist parties voted against investigating the crown
Manifesto warns of “patriarchal offensive" as far-right rises ahead of general election
Three-hundred Cabify cars return to roads after bitter disputes with the city's taxi drivers
Monsterrat del Toro describes what she saw at the rallies from inside the economy ministry, key to determining whether or not there was violence used
Montserrat del Toro famously said she was afraid to leave the economy ministry due to protests
Juan Antonio Puigserver will be followed by Diego Pérez de los Cobos, former Spanish Guardia Civil police head
Enric Millo tells Supreme Court there were many actions of "harassment, intimidation and violence" in autumn 2017
A proposed conference on the same topic by Catalan leaders was recently banned in the chamber
Pro-independence party's assemblies to debate change of strategy with final decision due on March 10
Juan Ignacio Zoido claims he was not in charge of the operation to stop the vote
Pep Guardiola expresses shock that leaders are still imprisoned
Prior to spending plan being put forth, PSC criticizes timing in hemicycle
This new technology, showcased on the third day of the industry trade fair, would connect experts to surgeons in the OR