catalan government

Puigdemont will submit to vote of confidence after this summer

June 8, 2016 06:41 PM | ACN

CUP’s veto on the budget for 2016 has provoked not only the extension of the bill for 2015 but also other major political consequences. One of them is the vote of confidence that Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, announced he will submit himself to. “I trusted you and I defended you until the end”stated Puigdemont, addressing radical left pro-independence CUP and added that the lefties “let down the hopes of millions of people”. Puigdemont considers the conditions which led to the agreement between the pro-independence forces after the 27-S elections to “have now changed”and therefore it will be up to the Parliament to decide whether to restore confidence in the current Government or call for new elections. “We can’t continue like this, we go nowhere with such a volatile basis”, he admitted.

Puigdemont assumes the stability agreement between pro-independence forces broken

June 8, 2016 04:49 PM | ACN

Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont considers pro-independence radical left CUP’s veto on the bill for 2016 to “mark a turning point” and assumes that the stability agreement reached between pro-independence forces CUP and cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ is now broken. However, Puigdemont nuanced that this doesn’t mean that the current term of office is over but assured that from now on ‘Junts Pel Sí’ will rule in minority, with the 62 MPs they have in the 135-seat Catalan Parliament. During a meeting with the Catalan executive held this morning, right before the debate over the budget, Puigdemont stated that the bill for 2016 won’t be passed “at any price” and that the Government’s project is not “for sale” as the main goal continues to be achieving independence

CUP’s veto on budget will have “extremely severe consequences”

June 8, 2016 12:15 PM | ACN

The stability of the parliamentary term in office and the relationship between the Catalan Government and the radical left-wing party CUP are at risk after the latter decided on Tuesday to maintain its total opposition to the 2016 draft budget bill. The Catalan Vice President and Catalan Minister for Tax Office, Oriol Junqueras, said that the decision will have “extremely severe consequences” and that “social services” will be particularly affected. The Catalan Government spokeswoman, Neus Munté, warned that the stability of the current term was “hit” and regretted that CUP didn’t respect the agreement with the pro-independence cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’, the main party in the Parliament, through which they committed to “guarantee parliamentarian stability”. Munté also warned that CUP’s veto “will have consequences” but emphasised the government’s aim to “continue working to put Catalonia at the gates of independence”. CUP’s rejection of the bill, which they considered insufficient and still too “autonomic”, forces the Catalan Government to extend the 2015 budget.

Catalan Government plans to have 17 offices abroad within a year

June 7, 2016 02:59 PM | ACN

The Catalan Ministry for Foreign Affairs wants to open ten new offices abroad before summer 2017. The aim is to have delegations of the Catalan Government in Denmark, Poland, Switzerland, Croatia, Vatican City, Portugal, Morocco, South Korea, Mexico and Argentina. This will be added to those currently existing in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria and the United States. However, the deployment of the plan depends on pro-independence radical left CUP’s support for the draft budget for 2016 presented by the Catalan Government. So far, the anti-capitalists have kept their veto on the bill on account of it being “too autonomic” and “not reflecting” the pro-independence proposal approved by the Parliament on the 9th of November. 

New Spanish Constitutional Court setback for pro-independence declaration

June 7, 2016 02:51 PM | ACN

Spain’s Constitutional Court (TC) has approved the appeals presented by Spanish Unionist ‘Ciutadans’, the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC) and the Conservative Catalan People’s Party (PPC) in November in relation to the pro-independence declaration approved by the Parliament. The three parties presented writs of protection and considered that the pro-independence forces’ agreed declaration to start building a new country violated citizens’ right of participation and that of the parliamentary representatives, as the Spokesperson Bureau was convened before PPC constituted themselves as a parliamentary group. This Tuesday, the magistrates in the TC partially upheld the appeals. The content of the pro-independence forces’ agreed declaration was already suspended by the TC in December, and declared it unconstitutional and, therefore, invalid. 

Junqueras “totally” rejects new elections in Catalonia if there is no agreement over the budget

June 6, 2016 02:24 PM | ACN

Catalan Vice President and Catalan Minister for Economy and Tax Office, Oriol Junqueras “totally” rejected the idea that Catalonia will face new elections if pro-independence radical left CUP reject the draft budget for 2016 presented by the Government. In an interview with Catalunya Radio, he urged pro-independence cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ and CUP to “make the most of the 72 seats majority in the Parliament” rather than thinking about potential new elections. Junqueras also refused to start negotiating with other groups in the Catalan Chamber if CUP keeps up their veto on the bill, as it would mean “renouncing the pro-independence roadmap”.

Negotiations over draft budget for 2016 still stuck

June 3, 2016 02:38 PM | ACN

The draft budget for 2016 presented by Catalan Vice President and Catalan Minister for Economy and Tax Office, Oriol Junqueras, doesn’t have enough support to be passed by the Parliament. Although Junqueras described the budget as “realistic”and “socially committed”, pro-independence radical left CUP considered it insufficient and still too “autonomic”, and claimed that the draft didn’t “reflect the pro-independence declaration proposal”approved by the Catalan Chamber on the 9th of November. Thus, CUP presented their veto and urged the Catalan Government to present a new draft which would include the anti-capitalists’ proposals, such as disobeying the deficit target imposed by the Spanish executive and carrying out a deeper reform of the tax system. Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, warned that in order to “complete the task”and put Catalonia “at the gates of independence”the Parliament should at least be allowed to process the budget. This Friday, Puigdemont accused CUP of being “destroyers”if they continue to be carried along by “ideological prejudices”and maintain their veto on the bill.

Puigdemont: “If we want to complete our task, the Parliament has to process the budget”

June 1, 2016 06:26 PM | ACN

Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont together with Catalan Vice President and Minister for Economy, Oriol Junqueras met this Wednesday with radical left pro-independence CUP MPs, Anna Gabriel and Joan Garriga in order to discuss their differences over the draft budget presented by the Catalan Government. Puigdemont and Junqueras refused to go back on the budget proposal for 2016 despite CUP’s veto. “If we want to complete our task, the Parliament has to process the budget”, stated Puigdemont during the plenary session this morning. He insisted that it is necessary to agree on the numbers in order to move forward. On the other hand, the anti-capitalists reaffirmed their position and insisted on their veto. The CUP MPs warned during their meeting with the Catalan Government that “it would be nonsense to put the draft to vote because it won’t go any forward” and emphasised that the present proposal leaves “no room for negotiation”.

Junqueras hopeful despite CUP budget veto

May 30, 2016 03:09 PM | ACN

The radical left CUP has decided to table an amendment to the entire draft budget that the Catalan Vice President and Minister of Economy, Oriol Junqueras, presented on Tuesday. Junqueras, however, said there is still time for “dialogue and negotiations” and told journalists that he hopes the new budget will be passed in Parliament and that there will be no need to extend the last one. The CUP, which has an agreement of parliamentary stability with Junts pel Sí, justified its veto on the budget saying that the proposal doesn’t reverse “privatisations and cuts” nor show “a clear and frontal disobedience” to the Spanish Government and the financial markets.

Estonia's Foreign Minister says “it's up to every nation to decide its future” while always “taking into account the existing laws”

May 27, 2016 07:15 PM | ACN

Marina Kaljurand said in an interview with CNA that the potential independence of Catalonia does “not really concern” Estonia, a country with no separatist movements. Kaljurand, a former diplomat, argued that any solution to the Catalan case “could be reached only by taking into account the existing laws and regulations and constitutions”, both nationally and internationally. “We have international law, the constitution and laws of each and every nation that have to be respected”, she stated. The minister said she has never received “pressure” or been “lobbied” by Spain or Catalonia and defined the Western position on the issue as “very clear, reasonable and balanced” as it supports “the present legal order”.

Puigdemont asks Spanish politicians for “courage” to “negotiate a referendum”

May 27, 2016 02:52 PM | ACN

The Catalan President, Carles Puigdemont, regretted in a speech on Friday in Madrid that so far the Spanish political class has behaved as if it was “not concerned” by the pro-independence movement going on in Catalonia. Puigdemont urged the politicians that will need to form a new government in Spain to have “courage” in order to negotiate a referendum. According to him, “Catalans’ patience is not infinite”. “We won’t sit still with folded arms eternally”, he warned, asking Madrid to engage in “dialogue” with the Catalan administration. In another event, on Thursday in front of members of the business community, Puigdemont said that his government will never disobey the law while following the path towards independence. “I know that some people use the word ‘disobedience’. I won’t use it nor will my government”, said the Catalan President.

Riot police must be “proportionate” to avoid “violent escalation” in Barcelona, urges Mayor Colau

May 26, 2016 06:21 PM | ACN

The eviction of squatters from the so-called ‘Expropriated Bank’ in Barcelona’s Gracia neighbourhood has caused three consecutive nights of riots in the city and has raised concerns in the press about an excessive use of force by the police. The Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, urged the police to avoid “a violent escalation”. Colau, a former activist herself, said that she trusts the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Catalan Police, but admitted to being “worried” by reports that suggest that the riot squad’s behaviour was disproportionate. “I don’t know and I don’t want to prejudge anything. I trust the Mossos but I need to ask for caution and urge all police actions to aim at avoiding any escalation of violence”, she said, asking the officers to, first and foremost, “protect the neighbours”. Meanwhile, the Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating former mayor Xavier Trias, who for a year paid the rent of the ‘Expropriated Bank’ in order to avoid an eviction.

Draft budget for 2016 projects €23.7 billion in total expenditure, 1.5% higher than last year

May 24, 2016 06:55 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government’s total projected spending for 2016 amounts to €23.7 billion, 1.5% higher than last year’s bill and sets a deficit equivalent to 0.7% of Catalonia’s GDP, the same as that for 2015. Catalan Vice President and Minister for Economy Oriol Junqueras handed the proposal this Tuesday to the Parliament’s President, Carme Forcadell.According to Junqueras, the 2016 budget is “the most realistic and social-oriented budget ever”. After presenting the draft, Junqueras met with representatives of all the groups in the Parliament except for pro-independence radical left CUP. The anti-capitalist group, who have a ‘stability agreement’ with the governing party, declined the invitation in protest against the police baton charge that occurred this past Monday in Barcelona’s Gracia neighbourhood after the eviction of a social centre.

Catalan Government’s budget for 2016 to include €700 million more for social spending

May 23, 2016 07:57 PM | ACN

The Catalan Government’s budget for 2016 has been drafted and €700 million more is to be allocated to social spending compared to the budget of 2015, according to the Catalan Vice President and Minister for Economy Oriol Junqueras. He also stated that the Health sector will see an increase of €317 million, while the Education budget will increase by €211 million and that of Social Services will grow by €173 million. An additional 50 million more euros are to be allocated to the sectors of Universities and Research, stated the Catalan Vice President. The budget will be increased for the first time in many years, with the goal of being “realistic” and avoid “generating expectations that cannot be satisfied”. The budget will be delivered this Tuesday to Parliament’s President Carme Forcadell and opened for discussion amongst the groups in the Catalan Chamber.

First draft of Catalan Constitution presented to Parliament’s President

May 11, 2016 10:17 PM | ACN

The new Catalan state will be “a citizen and participative republic”, based on a presidential system, without an army but with an “Agency for Security and Defence” which would protect citizens and control the borders. These are some of the points of the first draft that ‘Constituïm’, a group made up of several professionals from different fields that has already put together previous attempts at writing a Catalan Constitution, delivered this Wednesday to the Parliament’s President, Carme Forcadell. In total, the first proposal presented up to now includes 49 articles. The draft also foresees Catalan and Aranese, a language which is spoken in the northern region of Val d’Aran, in the Catalan Pyrenees, as the only official languages of the republic, with Spanish set to have a “special status”. The text will now be sent to several groups so they can study its constitutive process. Among those reviewing the document are the different political groups in Parliament along with civil society associations such as the National Assembly of Catalonia (ANC), the Association of Municipalities for Independence (AMI) and the association promoting Catalan culture, Òmnium Cultural.