Puigdemont takes parliament bureau to court
Former president challenges resolution withdrawing his voting rights as MP
Former president challenges resolution withdrawing his voting rights as MP
Judges uphold prosecutor's appeal to investigate four men for who were with former president when he was detained in Germany
Jailed leaders Sànchez, Rull, and Turull request top Catalan and Spanish leaders at time of referendum
Madrid says spending plan has "very important" budget allocations while Catalan government asks for a move on self-determination
Roger Torrent thinks new elections might not be necessary after trial of independence leaders ends
The parliament speaker also rejected a theoretical swearing in of Carles Puigdemont as president: “nothing has changed”
Spanish cabinet chooses name of former Catalan president
Former president and jailed pro-independence leaders denounce ‘violation of political rights as MPs’
Pro-independence leaders to bring their suspension as MPs to Human Rights Committee
Pro-independence leader opens door to "unilateral way" and warns Pedro Sánchez's time is ending
Catalan president Quim Torra, former president Carles Puigdemont, and former ministers Clara Ponsatí and Toni Comín all attended the event
Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, in exile, and former deputy Oriol Junqueras, in jail, also called to speak as witnesses
Former president says pro-independence movement has always been "at the forefront of the fight against fascism"
Roger Torrent also talks to Flemish counterpart, who says it is "not normal" that pro-independence leaders are in jail
JxCat, ERC and CUP members and former president Puigdemont hold talks ahead of trial against 2017 referendum