
|   Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona  

Roadmap after 27-S: What do pro-independence forces agree on?

ACN / Sara Prim

Two weeks after the 27-S Catalan elections, the debate on who will be the next President is still bogged down. Pro-independence unitary list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ (‘Together For Yes’), which won the elections but didn’t get an absolute majority, confirmed that Artur Mas was their candidate to run for President. However, radical left CUP have repeatedly stated that they won’t instate Mas as President, as an independent Catalonia needs a leader “who can’t be identified with cuts, corruption and privatisations”. “Now we are extremely focused on the content, the what, when, and how” stated CUP’s leader Antonio Baños, in an interview with 'Catalunya Ràdio'. Simultaneously, in another radio interview, ‘Junts Pel Sí’ lead member Raül Romeva assured that he “agrees with almost everything” regarding CUP’s roadmap towards independence and insisted that choosing a candidate to be President “is now secondary”.

October 9, 2015 03:31 PM

The European Parliament urges the Spanish government to reduce “the unacceptable number of evictions”


A wake up call from the European Parliament to the Spanish government regarding the evictions and the ‘preferential shares’ scandal, which offered high rates of return but ended up with thousands of savers unable to recover their money four years ago. MEPs approved this Thursday a resolution which urged Spain to “drastically” reduce “the unacceptable number of evictions” and to “supervise” whether the communitarian legislation in relation to mortgage loans is correctly applied in order to “solve the current problems and prevent abusive practices”. This resolution was approved on the same day that Spain’s Constitutional Court accepted the Spanish government’s appeal to stop the Catalan law which would fine the owners of empty flats and deal with the situations of housing emergency. 

October 8, 2015 06:56 PM

Spanish King to the European Parliament: “I’m European because I’m Spanish”

ACN / Sara Prim

Philip VI, the Spanish Monarch, defended this Wednesday “a united Spain” at Strasbourg’s plenary. “Europe has been built on the basis of adding rather than deducting, of uniting rather than dividing and the ability to share and be supportive” he stated. The EU can count “on a united Spain, which is proud of its diversity” and “respectful of the rule of law”, he emphasised. The Spanish King praised the Constitution and described it as “the great agreement” which “protects the regions in Spain in the exercising of their diverse cultures and traditions, languages, and institutions”. Spanish alternative-left Podemos MEP Pablo Iglesias criticised Philip VI’s role regarding Catalonia’s push for independence and stated that “the king shouldn’t interfere in issues that have to be democratically solved by the citizens”.  

October 7, 2015 03:46 PM

Barcelona hosts International Judges Meeting weeks before President Mas court appearance

ACN / Sara Prim

President Mas attended the 58th International Association of Judges Meeting, held this Monday in Barcelona just weeks before his appearance in court for organising the 9-N symbolic vote on independence. During his intervention, Mas outlined that democracy is sustained by the impartiality of justice. “Any partisan use” of the legal system could diminish this “sustenance” of democracy, he stated. Mas also expressed his hope that the Meeting will produce “contributions” to the “democratic quality which we all pursue”. President of the Supreme Court, Carlos Lesmes, also attended the Meeting and warned that to enforce the law “couldn’t be considered defiance”. 

October 5, 2015 02:37 PM

Only 7.5% of Catalans abroad voted in the 27-S elections

ACN / Sara Prim

196,062 Catalans abroad are registered to vote but only 14,781 could effectively do so in the 27-S Catalan elections. Too many agents involved in a complex and long process deprived them of exercising their democratic right. “The Spanish State can’t ignore such a violation of a basic and fundamental right” stated the Catalan Minister for Public Administration, Meritxell Borràs, who lamented that nearly “7,000 votes that were sent on time couldn’t reach their destination”. On Wednesday the ballots that did arrive in Catalonia on time showed 63% of Catalans living abroad voted in support of independence. Although cross-party list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ (‘Together for Yes’) was the most voted, with 7,894 votes, it only maintains its 62 seats in the Catalan Parliament and still requires radical left pro-independence CUP in order to instate Mas as President, which the radical party refuses to do. 


September 30, 2015 09:21 PM

President Mas: The Spanish State “will do everything to get rid of me”

ACN / Sara Prim

Catalan President Artur Mas reacted this Wednesday to his summonsing by Catalonia’s Supreme Court (TSJC). “Legally I didn’t disobey. Politically, there was a democratic rebellion against the State” he stated in a radio interview with Catalunya Radio. The charges are “the reaction of an arrogant, furious, clumsy state, whose pride was hurt, which is incapable of dialogue and which will do everything in its hands to get rid of me” he summarised. On the other hand, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy considers it “false and unfair” to attribute the court’s decision to the Spanish government, as in Spain there is a “separation of powers”.

September 30, 2015 12:20 PM

Christian Democrat Unió ask the Europarliament not to put them in the ‘no’ block

ACN / Sara Prim

Christian Democrat Unió, the smaller party within the former coalition CiU, doesn’t want to be counted as anti-independence. “Please, do not put Unió and ‘Catalunya Sí que es Pot’ [‘Catalonia Yes we Can’] in the ‘no’ block” asked Unió MEP Francesc Gambús. His demand was sent by email to the 751 MEPs as a response to Spanish conservative UPyD’s leader in Brussels, Maite Pagazartundua, who claimed that the 27-S results were clearly against independence. “We don’t support independence in the same way as the pro-independence candidacies do” he clarified “but we can’t be counted in the same block as the People’s Party PP, the Spanish Socialist Party PSOE and Anti-Catalan nationalism Ciutadans either” he said “and you know it”, he added, addressing Pagazartundua.

September 29, 2015 07:23 PM

Financial Times advises to “give some ground and negotiate” with Catalonia

ACN / Shobha Prabhu-Naik

Pro-independence parties have “achieved” their goal in “winning 72 of the 135” seats in the Catalan Parliament, stated an editorial in the Financial Times published this Tuesday. The British business daily insisted that once Spain has held national elections at the end of this year, a new government in Madrid needs to enter into talks with President Mas, to “find a third way between independence and the status quo”. However, the editorial is titled “Catalonia needs to step back from the brink”, since it puts forward the idea that Mas has “less legitimacy to implement his plan” considering that the percentage of voters who supported a clear ‘yes’ for independence was less than 50%.

September 29, 2015 03:45 PM

Leader of controversial Spanish unity association ‘Societat Civil Catalana’ quits

ACN / Sara Prim

The president of ‘Societat Civil Catalana’ (‘Catalan Civil Society’), Josep Ramon Bosch, confirmed that he will definitely resign after two years in the position. Although he expressed his intention several months ago, the decision was left pending “for political reasons” until this Monday and was finally announced on the day after the 27-S elections. Bosch’s decision arrives after a scandal that linked him with a Facebook profile from which many pro-independence parties and personalities received offensive messages and threats. Bosch denied such accusations and stated that he left office due to “personal and professional reasons”. Together with Bosch, ‘Societat Civil Catalana’ vice-presidents José Rosiñol and Susan Beltrán also expressed their will to step down.  


September 29, 2015 12:39 PM

Catalonia’s Supreme Court (TSJC) summons President Mas for 9N symbolic vote on independence

ACN / Sara Prim

Current Catalan President Artur Mas has been called to the court on the 15th of October for authorising and co-organising the 9-N symbolic referendum on independence that took place in 2014. Catalonia’s Supreme Court (TSJC), which pends on Spanish Administration of Justice, also confirmed the prosecution of former Vice-President Joana Ortega and Catalan Minister of Education Irene Rigau for the same charges. The official prosecution of Artur Mas and 2 other members of the Executive arrives two days after the 27-S elections and takes the current political conflict a level higher. The Catalan Government considered the TSJC decision a “democratic anomaly” and described it as a “political judgment”.



September 29, 2015 11:22 AM

Rajoy offers “dialogue” to Catalonia but always “within the law”

ACN / Sara Prim

The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy offered “dialogue and negotiation” to the new Catalan government that would form after the 27-S elections, but warned that this “loyalty” would be subject to legality and “always within the law”. He emphasised that if the Catalan authorities “are planning to break the law and make declarations that contradict the Spanish Constitution and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy” Spain will fulfil its duty and make sure that “the law is adhered to”. Meanwhile, former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar has blamed Rajoy for leading the PP into “the worst possible scenario”. In a communicate published through the FAES foundation, the PP’s think tank over which he presides, Aznar stated that the PP “can’t ignore” the “the fifth warning” that Catalans have sent to the party.

September 28, 2015 07:34 PM

Pro-independence coalition ‘Junts pel Sí’: “Our candidate to run for President is Artur Mas”

ACN / Sara Prim

The winning coalition in the 27-S elections, pro-independence unitary list ‘Junts Pel Sí’ insisted that their candidate to run for President of the Catalan Government is Artur Mas. Mas himself stated that what matters now “is the roadmap”and not who is the candidate for President. He addressed this warning to radical left pro-independence CUP, which would bring an absolute majority for pro-independence forces in the Parliament if they join ‘Junts Pel Sí’ but whom refuse to instate Artur Mas as Catalan President. “Now we have a shared responsibility” assured Mas and highlighted that “the priority” was to know if the 72 MPS who favour independence would be able to work together.

September 28, 2015 03:45 PM

European Commission: The 27-S elections are “a domestic issue for Spain”


“The EC does not comment on regional elections” stated EC spokesperson Margaritis Schinas. He added that the EC won’t express “a position” regarding the 27-S results in Catalonia, which it considers “a domestic issue for Spain”.The EC spokesperson confirmed that EC President Jean-Claude Juncker “was informed” of the election results but that he “didn’t have any immediate contact” to evaluate them with the Spanish nor the Catalan governments. “I have nothing else to say” stated Schinas, who denied any consideration of whether the EU should promote dialogue between Madrid and Barcelona. However, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Anne Brasseur, stated at a press conference that “the vote of the people of Catalonia must be respected” and added that “there must be dialogue from both sides”.


September 28, 2015 02:52 PM

Spanish Government: “Artur Mas’ secessionist strategy has failed”

ACN / Sara Prim

Catalans “have shown that they are a plural society” in the face of “uniformity”, declared sources from the Spanish Government to CNA. Despite the ‘Junts Pel Sí’ victory in the 27-S elections, Mariano Rajoy’s team considers Artur Mas to have “failed” as he “didn’t achieve in votes nor in seats Catalan society’s support” for his “defiance”. The Conservative People’s Party (PP) didn’t comment on the record participation, which is the highest in the history of the Autonomous Elections. 

September 28, 2015 12:39 AM

President Mas: “It’s time to accept the victory of Catalonia. The victory of yes”

ACN / Sara Prim

Pro-independence parties have won an overall majority in the Catalan election.  The main pro-independence coalition, ‘Junts pel Sí’ (‘Together for Yes’) obtained 39.6% of vote and won 62, while the far-left pro-independence CUP secured 10 members of parliament. Together, they have an overall majority of 72 MPs in the 135-seats Catalan Parliament. President Mas, who ran fourth on the list, highlighted the plebiscitary nature of the elections and demanded “respect” for “the victory of Catalonia, the victory of yes”. Turnout in the election has hit a record high, with 77.4%. 

September 27, 2015 11:08 PM

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