Socialists hope to govern alone as all sides dismiss potential Cs coalition
Pedro Sánchez’s deputy insists PSOE have enough support for minority government
April 29, 2019 12:02 PM
Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona
Pedro Sánchez’s deputy insists PSOE have enough support for minority government
April 29, 2019 12:02 PM
With 24 seats in Congress, Barcelona included, far-right party vows to defend Spain's unity "until the end"
April 29, 2019 12:41 AM
Without enough seats for a majority, Pedro Sánchez could turn to left-wing multiparty alliance or unionist Cs party
April 29, 2019 12:05 AM
Parties in favor of Catalan republic gain unprecedented 22 seats in Spain's parliament, with Socialists getting 12 and far-right making breakthrough
April 28, 2019 10:55 PM
With two thirds of votes counted, Socialists are clear winners with 123 seats, and ERC first among Catalan parties
April 28, 2019 08:55 PM
Far right makes breakthrough with 36-38 seats, with left-wing Spanish parties needing pro-independence parties to govern, according to survey
April 28, 2019 08:18 PM
Participation in Catalonia up by 18% from previous election, in last 6pm figures before ballots are counted
April 28, 2019 06:55 PM
Voters in Catalonia will select 48 of the the 350 representatives in the Spanish Congress
April 28, 2019 08:54 AM
European study ranks Spain fourth worst among 28 members-states
April 26, 2019 10:13 PM
Center-right party aspires to become the first party other than the Socialists and the People's party to govern Spain since democracy returned
April 26, 2019 07:51 PM
PP head Pablo Casado embraces potential deal with Vox as president Pedro Sánchez hints at left-wing pact post-Sunday election
April 26, 2019 02:01 PM
Former president dismisses appeal to electoral authority by PP and Cs parties aimed at preventing his bid to become MEP
April 26, 2019 11:13 AM
Jailed leader Jordi Sànchez leads pro-independence candidacy aiming to put referendum at center of post-electoral discussions
April 26, 2019 10:58 AM
Party leader Pablo Iglesias has come out in favor of a self-determination referendum in Catalonia and has called for the release of jailed Catalan leaders
April 25, 2019 08:36 PM
Left-wing parties respond to comments by conservative candidate seen as playing down importance of gender violence
April 25, 2019 07:19 PM
Latest updates and breaking news on politics and political affairs from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, and Europe. Keep up to date with the territorial crisis and Catalonia’s independence push, stories from the Catalan government and parliament, latest developments in the Spanish government, and the decisions in Europe that affect our shores too.