Spanish borders reopen as state of alarm ends
After 98 days, free movement with EU countries restored
June 21, 2020 10:10 AM
Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona
After 98 days, free movement with EU countries restored
June 21, 2020 10:10 AM
"The virus can come back and impact us in a second wave," says Pedro Sánchez
June 20, 2020 06:39 PM
Current ANC president gets 85% of the votes in a sweeping victory
June 20, 2020 04:22 PM
Bernat Solé is hopeful that the two ruling parties will overcome discrepancies and agree on a date for the vote
June 20, 2020 02:16 PM
Move would allow Supreme Court to investigate alleged corruption involving JxCat MP
June 18, 2020 05:51 PM
2.5-square meter interpersonal safety area set, but no capacity percentages in establishments
June 18, 2020 01:28 PM
Catalan government plans "immediate" end of de-escalation plan, bypassing Phase 3 in all health regions
June 17, 2020 04:51 PM
Negotiation table was halted due to Covid-19 after only one meeting between cabinets had been held
June 17, 2020 11:20 AM
Catalan left-wing and pro-independence groups willing to look into commissions allegedly received by Juan Carlos from Saudi Arabia
June 16, 2020 02:06 PM
Declassified report sparks outrage among Catalan parties
June 15, 2020 08:09 PM
If Spain accepts proposal, Catalan government will regain full control of whole country and mobility restrictions will be lifted
June 15, 2020 12:45 PM
If Spain accepts proposal, Catalan government will regain full control of whole country and mobility restrictions will be lifted
June 14, 2020 12:53 PM
Original date of measure was July 1, which is maintained for Portugal
June 14, 2020 11:39 AM
Travel between regions in last stage of lockdown easing scheme will be permitted
June 12, 2020 02:09 PM
Andorrans are able to travel to western Catalan Pyrenees from Friday, but not vice versa until the state of alarm is over
June 12, 2020 12:17 PM
Latest updates and breaking news on politics and political affairs from Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, and Europe. Keep up to date with the territorial crisis and Catalonia’s independence push, stories from the Catalan government and parliament, latest developments in the Spanish government, and the decisions in Europe that affect our shores too.