Parties prepare for February 14 election amid date confusion
Despite court rulings and appeals over date change, parliamentary groups are preparing strategies for earlier vote
January 23, 2021 02:19 PM
Politics news from Catalonia and Barcelona
Despite court rulings and appeals over date change, parliamentary groups are preparing strategies for earlier vote
January 23, 2021 02:19 PM
Judges force February 14 vote preparations to resume, hinting at rejection of adjournment for health reasons
January 22, 2021 04:07 PM
Decision to allow postponement could be announced ten days into campaigning
January 21, 2021 01:54 PM
Survey estimates victory for Socialists or Esquerra, and parties for a Catalan state, now with 70 seats, would take 58-71
January 21, 2021 12:40 PM
Bernat Solé faces one year barred from office and a €16,800 fine but decision can be appealed
January 21, 2021 10:53 AM
Despite record infections, health authorities believe current restrictions will be able to curb third wave
January 20, 2021 07:36 PM
High court will decide from Thursday whether vote can take place on May 30 or has to be held on February 14 as originally planned
January 20, 2021 03:15 PM
Government resumes preparations to hold the vote on February 14 after it had been initially adjourned over Covid-19 concerns
January 19, 2021 12:37 PM
European parliament considering extending list of crimes that allow for automatic extradition
January 18, 2021 08:29 PM
Pablo Iglesias defends pardoning Catalan independence leaders
January 18, 2021 12:21 PM
Vote was postponed to May 30 over Covid-19 concerns as government calls parties to be responsible in not challenging it
January 18, 2021 11:24 AM
Parties agree on postponing vote due to Covid-19, but discrepancies remain regarding date
January 15, 2021 07:24 PM
Parties find consensus in postponing vote due to Covid-19, but discrepancies remain regarding when to hold it
January 15, 2021 02:30 PM
Supreme Court seeks extradition of former president and ministers for 2017 referendum
January 14, 2021 07:52 PM
Socialists vote alongside PP and Vox against initiative put forth by coalition partners
January 13, 2021 08:22 PM
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