60 Catalan firefighters to travel Valencia to help with flood cleanup tasks
Convoy from Ametlla de Mar to stay until Monday

A convoy of around 60 firefighters will leave early this afternoon from Ametlla de Mar to head towards the Valencia to help with flood cleanup tasks.
The brigade will help with clearing water from buildings and roads, opening accesses, and moving vehicles in areas affected by the storm.
The contingent plans to be there until Monday. The support of the Catalan fire department has been called through the National Emergency Monitoring and Coordination Centre.
Civil Protection vehicles from L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Lliçà d'Amunt, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Port de la Selva, and Vallirana have also headed for Valencia to help with support tasks.
Catalan president Salvador Illa has called another meeting to monitor the storm at the government headquarters at 5 pm on Friday.
In the meeting, it's expected that the executive will make a count of the Catalan assistance sent.