Vilanova to limit Carnival activities due to drought
Food fights to be restricted to fewer streets to reduce water needed to clean

Carnival kicks off this week in Catalonia, with parades, debauchery, and merriment galore, but authorities have also had to take action to alter the usual festivities, on account of the severe drought that Catalonia has been faced with.
The main food fights of the festival, the 'La Merengada' meringue battle and the 'Comparses' war of throwing candies, will both be held in a smaller area of the town in order to reduce the water that will later be needed to clean the streets.
This agreement was reached by the Federation of Carnival Associations (FAC) and the Vilanova i la Geltrú council to adjust the festival to the new drought emergency situation.
In the case of the 'Comparses' and the endless flock of candies they always leave around the city, the organization urges participants to move only through the most central streets.
When cleaning the candies, the council will prioritize dry removal and will use non-drinkable water from municipal reservoirs transported by cisterns, which will avoid taking water from the network as has been done in other years.
On Maundy Thursday, this 8th of February, Vilanova i la Geltrú will officially kick off the carnival season with the traditional 'La Merengada' food fight.
The party will start, as always, in front of the Blanch patisserie, but it will not be then moved to the market square as usual, but instead held at a crossroads near the bakery.