Barcelona gears up for 10th International Community Day
Launch event held in Maritime Museum ahead of fair on October 28

With the 10th Barcelona International Community Day on October 28 just weeks away, organizers and invited guests gathered at the city's Maritime Museum for a presentation launch.
More than 80 stalls will be present at the fair, which will also take place in the Maritime Museum, with 25% of exhibitors making their first appearance.
The event, which is free, is a "welcome space for international professionals who have just arrived in the city and the benchmark event for all members of the international community who live and work in Barcelona," organizers say.
"Talent the new oil"
Pau Solanilla, from City Promotion at Barcelona City Council told Catalan News why the international community is so important to the city.
"In today's world, companies invest where the international talent wants to live, so if you attract, you retain, you dynamize talent, this international talent becomes your ambassador."
"Barcelona is an open and plural city," Solanilla said. "It takes care of international talent and we could say it's the new oil. Talent is the new oil and we are fortunate as a city that international talent wants to live in Barcelona."
The event consists of a fair for businesses and organizations that offer products, services and initiatives aimed at international talent, as well as a program of activities, workshops and lectures on topics of interest to the community.
It runs from 10 am to 7 pm and free tickets can be obtained by registering on the website