Snail lovers flock to Lleida for annual Aplec del Caragol festival

Organizers expect over 200,000 visitors and 15 tonnes of snails consumed

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Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Lleida

May 24, 2024 04:33 PM

May 24, 2024 11:13 PM

The 43rd edition of Lleida's Aplec del Caragol snail festival begins on Friday, promising a weekend full of gastronomy, competitions, concerts and castells human towers.

This year's event is expected to break records, with around 200,000 visitors expected over the three days. Some 119 "colles," or groups, with about 15,000 members will take part.

The festival officially begins at 7:30 p.m. with the Lo Caragolasso and ends on Sunday.


The Federation of Groups of the Aplec del Caragol de Lleida (FECOLL) predicts that a total of 15 tonnes of snails will be consumed during the festival and in local restaurants, with 9 tonnes eaten at the festival itself.

"There is more excitement among the groups than in previous years," said FECOLL president Ferran Perdrix. "The festival only happens once a year and people are looking forward to this moment," he added.


For the first time, the festival will have a non-alcoholic bar available to both group members and visitors.

In addition, this year's event will include a children's parade to encourage more participation from young attendees.