‘Technology for the people’: Mobile Week Pyrenees begins
Festival intends to promote digital development in rural mountainous area

Mobile Week Pyrenees kicked off in the small town of Tremp in northwest Catalonia with its slogan ‘Technology for the people’ setting the tone for the ten day festival.
The aim is to promote digital development in the region and to demand that the mountainous parts of the country have the same opportunities as anywhere else.
The mayor of Tremp, Maria Pilar Cases said, that the goal is to give people living in rural areas the opportunity to participate in discussions, conferences and workshops that will help them develop digital skills.
Cases pointed out that while advanced technologies are always being discussed, there are still some villages in Pyrenees with no mobile or internet coverage.
Whereas Mobile Week events elsewhere in Catalonia may focus on companies ot professionals, here the focus is on ordinary people and how technology affects their day to day life.
There will also be activities to encourage young children to learn programming and a conference on the ethical use of technology.
Mobile Week Pyrenees will run until February 29, with events in Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà and Alta Ribagorça.