Students in Tarragona seek robotic solutions to microplastics in Mediterranean Sea
First Robotech Codefest in southern Catalonia enables students to learn in an experimental way
Several computer engineering students from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) of Tarragona, in the south of Catalonia, are taking part in the first Robotech Codefest. The students are looking for solutions to the problem of microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea.
The initiative started with the idea of the president of the Chemical Companies Guild of Tarragona to find companies that could develop and produce robots to clean up microplastics from the coasts of the area.
Around 60 students joined the project and welcomed the idea, which "allows us to learn in a very fun way, far away from traditional classroom lessons," Khady Yade, one of the participating students, told the Catalan News Agency (ACN).
Miquel Robledo, another student, showed his desire to "learn, network and meet new people," he said. He has a great interest in robotics, and the possibility of incorporating "artificial intelligence and sensors in real problems, such as the collection of microplastics on beaches," amused him to participate in the initiative.
Between Thursday and Friday, these URV students will work on developing innovative solutions to clean up microplastics on Tarragona's beaches. The winner will receive a ticket to the Mobile World Congress technology fair in Barcelona, which will be held between March 3 and 6.