Experts warn about difficult spring for people with pollen allergies

Cypress, hazelnut trees, and pellitory-of-the-wall pollinating already

Blooming cherry flowers
Blooming cherry flowers / Mar Rovira

ACN | @agenciaacn | Barcelona

March 13, 2025 04:44 PM

This spring is expected to be difficult for those who suffer from pollen allergies, according to experts from the Aerobiological Network of Catalonia (XAC) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

Cypress, hazelnut, and pellitory-of-the-wall have already begun pollinating at record levels for this time of year, and XAC researchers also warn that Platanus, pine, and oak trees will soon follow.

The Catalan Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SCAIC) highlights that 25% of pollen allergy sufferers experience rhinitis, and early treatment prevents more severe symptoms.

"We are coming out of a winter season with a lot of pollen," said XAC researcher Dr. Jordina Belmonte in a statement.

Additionally, spring rains will fuel the pollinations of plants that flourish in the coming weeks. While rain during the day “can help keep pollen on the ground,” making it less bothersome for people with allergies, “meteorologists say that March and May will be rainy and that there will be more rain than usual in April,” warns Belmonte.

However, rain encourages other plants and herbs “to bloom for a longer time,” which will result in a higher concentration of airborne pollen.


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