caixa catalunya
BBVA buys nationalised Catalunya Banc for €1.19 billion, meaning taxpayers will lose more than €11 billion
Catalunya Banc and unions reach a pre-agreement to reduce the mass lay-off from 2,450 to 2,153 workers
CatalunyaBanc plans a mass layoff of 34% of its staff, affecting some 2,500 workers
CatalunyaCaixa has made a profit of €183 million during the first half of 2013
CatalunyaBanc is put up for auction
The bank created from Catalan savings bank CatalunyaCaixa is expected to be sold within the next two months. CatalunyaCaixa was intervened by the Bank of Spain last September 30th, as it could not reach the required core capital. The Spanish Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB), owned by the Spanish State, currently owns 89.74% of CatalunyaBanc. The FROB has decided to disinvest in the Catalan bank, which starts a competition process that will sell 100% of CatalunyaBanc’s shares.
CatalunyaCaixa will be the name of the second Catalan savings bank
Today the new name and image of the second Catalan savings bank as a result of the Caixa Catalunya, Caixa Tarragona and Caixa Manresa merger was presented. CatalunyaCaixa will be the new brand, which has been decided upon after negotiations and strategic studies. CatalunyaCaixa has not yet decided if it will look for more capital.