New plan to ‘accelerate’ female participation in sports
Catalan government presents 70 measures as part of 2024-2030 action plan

To promote female participation in sport, the Catalan government and the government-led Catalan sports organization Esportcat have launched the 6-year 'Plan for the Promotion of Women's Sport in Catalonia 2024-2030'.
70 practical measures are included in the plan, which seeks to accelerate the participation of women in sports in Catalonia.
The plan includes three concrete initiatives in different areas, such as a study on the reasons why teenage girls drop out of sports, and a campaign about female sports.
Also part of the plan is a forum that will challenge stereotypes about sports and women in sports.
“Until now, we have focused our efforts on creating visibility and references, and the next step will be to open new horizons,” explained Secretary General of Sports and Physical Activity Anna Caula, during the presentation.
Through previous initiatives such as the exhibition “Jugo com una nena” (‘I play like a girl’, in English), the number of sports licenses has increased by 20% between 2021 and 2023, and the government support of female-focused sports clubs has “multiplied by 8,” according to Caula.