FC Barcelona to hold presidential elections on 18 July
In order to stand, candidates must collect a minimum of 2,534 support slips from club members. Ramon Adell, president of the Managing Commission that met on Wednesday, has announced that the FC Barcelona presidential elections will take place on Saturday 18 July, pursuant to the dispositions of articles 35 and 43 of the Club Statutes. “We thought that if we did it this way, with a holiday the day after, that would encourage participation”, he said at a specially called conference in the company of the secretary of the Commission, Jordi Calsamiglia.

Barcelona (FCB).- Ramon Adell, president of the Managing Commission that met on Wednesday, has announced that the FC Barcelona presidential elections will take place on Saturday 18 July, pursuant to the dispositions of articles 35 and 43 of the Club Statutes. “We thought that if we did it this way, with a holiday the day after, that would encourage participation”, he said at a specially called conference in the company of the secretary of the Commission, Jordi Calsamiglia.
Adell also reported on a series of requests that the Managing Commission will make to the Club Management: for it to try to offer as many parking spaces as possible for the elections, for it to arrange a certain number of activities to make July 18 a Barça festival at the stadium and for it to provide logistical support to members that do not live close to the Camp Nou.
Having announced the date, Jordi Calsamiglia continued by revealing the calendar of events leading up to the voting on July 18.
Constitution of the Electoral Board and Table
On Friday 12 June at 10.00 am CET at the Club offices, a public draw shall be held to designate the members of the Electoral Board and of the Electoral Table, which shall be constituted no later than Thursday 18 June.
Approval of electoral roll and claims
From Friday 19 June until Tuesday 23 June, club members may view the electoral roll in the office of the Members Trustee (Síndic dels Socis). It shall be open for enquiries from Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm and on bank holidays and weekends from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Claims regarding undue omissions or inclusions or the rectification of errors must be made in writing and addressed to the Electoral Board, which should be presented to the Office of the Members Trustee before 7.00pm CET on Tuesday 23 June.
The Electoral Board shall deal with all claims presented within the established period and no later than 26 June shall approve the definitive electoral roll, which may not be subject to any further modification throughout the remainder of the election process.
Support slips from June 19
From Friday 19 June, aspiring candidatures and presidents of the Club may request support slips filled in on the official model published by the Club in writing addressed to the Electoral Board, which shall be presented in the Barcelona Supporter Services Office (Oficina d’Atenció al Barcelonista) within its opening times, i.e. Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm and bank holidays and weekends from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm.
The slips shall be presented within a maximum period of 36 hours, 5,068 slips shall be provided for free, and the applicant shall be charged for any more above this limit.
Presentation of candidatures
From Saturday 27 June until Saturday 4 July, proposed candidatures for the FC Barcelona Board of Directors may be presented. The candidatures, which shall be closed and voted on as a block, must be presented to the Electoral Board and presented to the Barcelona Supporter Services Office.
Along with the pre-candidature, a minimum of 2,534 support slips from members must be presented along with the commitment to provide a guarantee, signed by all members of the candidature, in accordance with applicable standards.
The Electoral Board shall check that the members of each candidature and the signees of the support slips meet the conditions required by the Statutes, and that each candidature has presented the minimum number of valid support slips and the aforesaid commitment to provide a guarantee.
On Wednesday 8 July, the Electoral Board shall announce the candidatures that have the right to stand in the elections.
Election campaign, from 9 to 16 July
If only one candidature stands or is valid, the Electoral Board shall announce its members as elected and the election process shall end. If more than one candidature is announced, the election campaign shall commence, which shall last from 00.00 on Thursday 9 July until 24.00 on Thursday 15 July 2015. Friday 17 July shall be the day of reflection.
Saturday 18 July shall be the day for voting, at the Camp Nou, from 7.00 am until 9.00 pm.