Two minors seriously injured after falling from Badalona building to escape fire
13 and 15-year-old taken to hospital following incident

Two minors, a 13-year-old and a 15-year-old, are in critical condition after falling from a building in Badalona, near Barcelona, to escape a fire that broke out on Quevedo street on Wednesday morning.
The minors were taken to the Catalan capital's Vall d’Hebron hospital and Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona, while their 18-year-old cousin was treated for less serious injuries from smoke inhalation at the Badalona Municipal hospital.
Firefighters are still investigating what caused the fire, which Pep Colas, the regional head of the Catalan fire department, described as "intense" despite being able to put it out quickly.
The structure of the building remains intact and residents should be able to return to their homes in the evening.
"A sad event for the municipality"
Badalona mayor Rubén Guijarro traveled to the scene of the fire, calling it "a sad event for the municipality."
🔴Incendi greu al carrer Quevedo, al barri de la Salut. De moment, dos ferits greus. Hi estan treballant @bomberscat, @Badalona_GUB, @mossos i @semgencat. Com a alcalde, posem a l'abast tots els serveis municipals a la família i veïns afectats #Badalona
— Rubén Guijarro (@guijarroruben) August 24, 2022
"Unfortunately, two youngsters are seriously injured," Guijarro tweeted. "I wish them both a speedy recovery."
Tots els veïns, menys els que vivien al pis incendiat, s'espera que puguin tornar a casa seva aquest vespre. Ara han pogut entrar per buscar pertinences. L'edifici no pateix danys. Malauradament, dos joves estan en estat crític. Desitjo una recuperació per als dos #Badalona
— Rubén Guijarro (@guijarroruben) August 24, 2022
According to the mayor, they lived with their mother, who owns the apartment, and their family had received assistance from social services: "They are a hardworking family that tries their best every day."
From what they have been able to gather from 18-year-old's account, Guijarro explained, the three teens were in the mother's room when the fire started. The cousin lost consciousness and only regained it when the firefighters were pulling him out. He was not able to explain what caused the fire.