Three out of four Catalans back promoting tourism, while half want to limit number of tourist apartments

Survey shows half of those also asked back keeping tourist tax

A tourist takes a photo with some of the actors taking part in the live nativity scene in Montserrat
A tourist takes a photo with some of the actors taking part in the live nativity scene in Montserrat / Nia Escolà

ACN | @agenciaacn | Barcelona

June 20, 2024 02:09 PM

June 20, 2024 02:09 PM

Almost 75% of Catalans, three out of four, are in favor of continuing to promote tourism in Catalonia, according to a general survey by the CEO, a Catalan-government-owned survey agency, published on Friday.

Meanwhile, half of those questioned consider that tourism limits activities and the public space available for locals. And 46% say that tourism is reaching its limit in their county and area.

The survey was made between March 12 and May 19.

Out of those backing continuing to promote tourism, 24% are very much in favor, and 50% agree. However, 39% are against it or very much against it.

Demonstration passes by tourists having dinner on Las Ramblas
Demonstration passes by tourists having dinner on Las Ramblas / Jordi Pujolar

Regarding the tourist tax, 44% of those surveyed consider that the tax should stay as it is, while 22% say it is required to increase it. On the other hand, 15% consider it would be reduced, and 20% to get rid of the tax.

Among voters, those far-left CUP supporters are among those who back increasing the tourist tax, that people pay to spend a night at any hotel, camping, or tourist apartment in Catalonia.

Meanwhile, Esquerra Republicana, Socialist, Comuns-Sumar, Junts, and those who are not connected to any political party are in favor of keeping the tax as it currently is.

Far-right Vox voters prefer to reduce or erase such taxes.

Tourist apartments

According to the survey, most residents consider that there is an adequate number of tourist apartments in Catalonia, 55%. Meanwhile, 30% say that the current number is excessive.

One out of two Catalans say that tourist apartments should be limited in Catalonia, and 25% back seeing a local regulation on such establishments.

Tourists in Girona city center
Tourists in Girona city center / Marina López

12% of those surveyed are against limiting the number by law.

Left-wing voters are the most favorable of such limitation, with far-left CUP supporters (72%) and Comuns-Sumar (70%) leading the charts. 55% of pro-independence Junts voters back the idea, just slightly higher than Socialist voters (52%).