Terrorism and rebellion charges dropped against pro-independence activist
Woman walks free from Spain’s National Court with precautionary measures, now only accused of public disorder

The pro-independence activist accused of terrorism and rebellion has been allowed to walk free with precautionary measures by Spain’s National Court in Madrid. She is now only accused of public disorder for the role she played in various protests as part of the Committees for the Defence of the Republic (CDR), a network of civil protest groups in favour of an independent Catalan state.
Tamara C.G. was arrested at her home in Viladecans, outside Barcelona, on Tuesday by Spain’s Guardia Civil. The activist was then transported to prison in the Madrid region, where she remained until appearing in court on Thursday, facing accusations of terrorism and rebellion.
The woman, of the Committees of the Defence of the Republic (CDR) had been involved in various protests which involved the cutting off of motorways and opening toll booths, in order to demonstrate against Spanish measures against the Catalan independence movement. Other acts carried out by pro-independence activists include organizing chocolate parties in the middle of roads, protesting with pots and pans, and sitting on train railways.
Support outside court
Outside the court, a group that included representatives of the pro-independence parties gathered in support of the activist. An ERC MP in the Spanish parliament claimed it was “an insult to intelligence and democracy” to link the CDR with terrorism, while a PDeCAT MP in the Spanish chamber denied that the actions of the CDR were terrorism and said the arrest was aimed at discouraging “the population from defending its rights.” Meanwhile, an MP for Carles Puigdemont’s JxCat group said the case against the activist “does not stand up.”
Barcelona’s mayor called her arrest on terrorism charges “outrageous” and warned about “trivializing” such a serious issue. “It is a fact that there is no violence in Catalonia, the only terrorism we have seen is what took place on the Rambles in August,” mayor Ada Colau said in a radio interview on Wednesday morning.