Around 800 students take to streets for 'revolutionary feminism' ahead of Women's Day
Groups complain about gender-based violence and "threats" of far right

Around 800 students went on strike and took to the streets in Barcelona ahead of International Women's Day, calling for "revolutionary feminism."
The demonstration started around 12:30 pm at Plaça Universitat and reached Plaça Sant Jaume, where the Catalan government and Barcelona city council headquarters are located.
The organizing groups have said that it is necessary to fly the "revolutionary feminism" flag, coinciding with an environment of "threats" coming from the far right, and fragile masculinity also suffered in classes.
Under the slogan "antifascist women against gender-based violence," hundreds of students gathered despite the rain.
Speaking to media outlets, Leiva said that they are "fed up" of speeches from far right party Vox and People's Party against their rights.

Before the march started, the spokesperson chanted against the University of Barcelona for "hiding rapists" referring to a philosophy teacher who has been accused of sexual assault.
Despite the rain, hundreds took to the streets holding umbrellas and purple flags.
On Saturday, there is another demonstration scheduled at 6 pm starting from Plaça Universitat.