Spain’s basic income for households at risk of poverty already available
Online applications open for new subsidy from €462 to €1,015

Individuals and families at risk of poverty can apply for Spain’s targeted basic income (or minimum vital income) from Monday, June 15.
While the application can be filled online at the Spanish social security website, all information is only available in Spanish.
Recipients will get €462 a month and an extra €139 for each additional dependant, up to a maximum of €1,015 per month. Single-parent families will receive a supplement of €100.
Some 850,000 households and 2.3 million people will be eligible to receive the basic income in a move that is estimated will cost three billion euros per year and that was approved only two weeks ago.
In Catalonia, 100,000 families are expected to benefit from the subsidy. That includes 284,000 people, 30% of whom are minors.
Spain’s Ministry of Inclusion, Social security and Migrations stressed that the aim of the basic income is "eradicating extreme poverty and exclusion".
Who’s eligible?
To be eligible, applicants must be aged between 23 and 65, or over 18 with underage dependants. They must have resided in Spain for at least a year - except for victims of gender-based or sexual violence - and have maximum assets worth €16,641 net for individuals, or up to €46,146 net for larger households.
The application process is available online at the Spanish social security website. Applicants can also send the necessary documents by mail. There will also be a hotline to call with questions as well as an FAQ section on the website for any possible queries, and in the near future, local councils are also expected to be able to provide assistance on the matter.