PODCAST: Abortion – the law and the reality in Catalonia
One woman shares her account of seeking an abortion, plus activists on how access and care could be improved

Cristina Tomàs White and Guifré Jordan join Lorcan Doherty to discuss abortion in Catalonia – what the law says, how it could change, and what the reality is like on the ground. Press play below to listen or subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts or Spotify.
Activists Silvia Adalvert from the Associació de Drets Sexuals i Reproductius and Selene Alberich from the Assemblea Vaga Feminista de Les Terres de l'Ebre outline improvements in access and care they would like to see, while one woman, Júlia, shares her experience of seeking an abortion in Catalonia.
This week’s Catalan phrase is ‘no caure els anells’. Literally, ‘the rings don’t drop’, it is used when someone is not afraid of doing some hard work.
Get in touch with the podcast team: fillingthesink@acn.cat
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