Overturning of bullfighting ban in Catalonia outrages 37 MEPs from different parties and countries
The possibility that bullfighting could return to Catalonia by imposition of the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) has outraged 37 MEPs from five different parties. The signatories of a joint declaration, promoted by Catalan Eco-Socialist ICV MEP, Ernest Urtasun, point out that “animal torture can’t be considered as a cultural expression” and describe bullfighting as “an unfair activity, which is sadistic and despicable”. The initiative is supported by MEPs from Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Holland, Austria and the Catalan MEPs Josep Maria Terricabras (ERC), Ernest Maragall (ERC), Ramon Tremosa (PDC), Javi López (PSC) and Francesc Gambús (Independent). On the 20th of October, the TC annulled the prohibition to host bullfighting in Catalonia after considering that the Parliament “exceeded its competences” and “restricted the citizens’ rights and freedoms” when banning bullfighting in 2010.

Strasbourg (CNA).- MEPs from 16 different countries and five different groups in the Chamber expressed this Thursday their “absolute disconformity” with the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) decision to overturn the bullfighting ban in Catalonia which came to force in 2012. In a joint declaration, launched by Catalan Eco-Socialist ICV MEP, Ernest Urtasun, the MEPs urged Catalonia’s ban to be respected. “We consider that animal torture can’t be considered as a cultural expression” they stated and described bullfighting as “an unfair activity, which is sadistic and despicable”. The initiative is supported by MEPs from Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Holland, Austria and the Catalan MEPs Josep Maria Terricabras (ERC), Ernest Maragall (ERC), Ramon Tremosa (PDC), Javi López (PSC) and Francesc Gambús (Independent). In its resolution, published by the TC on the 20th of October, the magistrates considered bullfighting “intangible cultural heritage” and therefore for the Spanish state to regulate “and guarantee its preservation”.
According to the 37 MEPs bullfighting “doesn’t deserve to be legal”. “We refuse maltreatment, torture and cruel and inhuman shows involving animals and we cannot justify it under the denomination of tradition or art, nor sport or culture”, they stated.
The declaration also points out that the TC argument referring to an ultimate invasion of competences is not acceptable, since Catalonia has its own competences in terms of animal rights protection and public spectacles. Moreover, they emphasise that “the cruelty, violence and suffering of the animal in the bullring is without any doubt".
The MEPs also remind that the European Parliament has voted, for the second consecutive year and by a landslide majority, against bullfighting being funded with public money. Finally, they encourage other Autonomous Communities in the Spanish State to follow Catalonia’s and the Canary Island’s example and ban bullfighting.