Over a dozen injured in fire in southern Catalonia factory
Emergency services report four seriously injured and deploy two helicopters

13 people have been injured in a fire that broke out in a hazardous waste management plant in the southern Catalonia town of Arboç (Baix Penedès county).
According to emergency services, four people are being treated for serious burns and two helicopters have been deployed to the scene.
— SEM. Generalitat (@semgencat) December 3, 2021
En l’incendi de l’Arbóç, el #SEM està atenent a 13 persones que han resultat afectades. 3 d’elles estan en estat greu per cremades i seran traslladades a @vallhebron
1 atenció en curs i 9 més que són lleus. https://t.co/8yyCgEaHtm
The remaining nine are being treated for mild injuries.
Just under two years ago, a fire and explosion at the IQOXE chemical plant in Tarragona killed three people.