Open doors day at Catalan government headquarters turns political
Visitors leave yellow roses in support of sacked ministers in jail or abroad

Hundreds of people are visiting today the Palau de la Generalitat, the Catalan government headquarters, as it is 'open doors day' for the Sant Jordi celebrations.
But it is not a normal Sant Jordi, politically speaking. Unlike previous years, the Catalan president is not in the building, nor are any of his ministers. They were all sacked on October 27 by the Spanish government after a declaration of independence. Now, seven are in jail and five in exile. That is why today's Open Doors Day turned into a political protest.
Many people queued for a long time to be able to enter the building, and they did it wearing yellow t-shirts or yellow ribbons in support of Catalan leaders in jail or abroad. Many also left yellow roses at the Sant Jordi fountain of the Palace, an iconic place of the historical building that hosted, until October, the weekly meetings of Carles Puigdemont's cabinet.
The long queues to enter the Catalan government headquarters went around the building. In front of the building, many also left yellow flowers.