Only 21% of Catalans would vote in favor of Spanish Constitution if referendum were held again
Figures from Center for Opinion Studies show uptick in support from 17.5% in 2018

Just over one in five people in Catalonia would vote in favor of the 1978 Spanish Constitution if a referendum were held again today.
Support for the Constitution, however, has risen in the last five years from 17.5% in 2018 to 21% in 2023.
The figures are based on a comparison of the third Political Opinion Barometer from the Center for Opinion Studies (CEO) in 2018 and the third from 2023, published in November.
The Constitution celebrates its 45th anniversary on December 6.
The number of people in Catalonia who would vote 'No' in a new referendum on the Constitution has fallen significantly from 57% in 2018 to 42% in 2023.
Among supporters of Catalan independence, 7.7% would ratify the Constitution now – in 2018 it was 7.1% – with the level of opposition falling from 73.9% to 64%.
Post-Franco referendum
The constitutional referendum in 1978 took place during Spain's transition to democracy after the death of the dictator Francisco Franco.
It was passed by an overwhelming majority of 91.8% on a turnout of 67.1% across Spain. Support in Catalonia was even higher, with 95.2% voting 'Yes' on a turnout of 67.9%.
Pro-independence parties and far right boycott anniversary
Congress marked the 45th anniversary of the Constitution on December 6 – a bank holiday across Spain – but with several political parties opting to boycott the occasion.
No representatives from pro-independence and nationalist parties in Catalonia (Esquerra Republicana, Junts), the Basque Country (EH Bildu, Basque National Party) and Galicia (Galician Nationalist Bloc) attended, nor far-right Vox.