Nearly half of Catalans think there are too many migrants, poll finds
60% believe foreign-born residents 'receive more than they contribute' to society

Nearly half of Catalans think there are too many migrants in Catalonia, according to a new survey by the CEO, the Catalan government's polling agency.
Meanwhile, one in four think the number of migrants is adequate, another one in four either refuse to answer or are unsure, and 4% think more migrants are needed.
The perception of excessive migration is widespread among voters of far-right parties, with 97% of Aliança Catalana voters and 88% of Vox voters sharing this view.
This view is also common among voters of conservative parties, such as the People's Party and Junts, with 62% of voters of these parties expressing this opinion.
The survey also shows that 60% of Catalans believe migrants "receive more than they contribute" in terms of taxes paid and services received.
The survey also shows that 51% of Catalans believe that the laws regulating the entry and stay of migrants in Spain are "too tolerant or somewhat tolerant."
Additionally, 56% believe migration has a negative or very negative effect on the quality of public services such as health and education.
However, there is also a majority in favor of guaranteeing the rights of migrants who are legally and permanently established in Catalonia.
Most respondents believe that they should be able to receive unemployment benefits, vote in local elections and have access to citizenship.
Despite the widespread negative perceptions of migration in the survey, more than half of respondents said that migrants take jobs that locals do not want and that migration contributes to economic development.