Motorbikes and scooters make up 41.2% of serious or deadly accidents on roads entering Barcelona
Transport type makes up 15% of vehicles used on roads leading in and out of capital

Motorbike and scooter accidents make up 41.2% of the serious and fatal accidents that take place on the roads entering Barcelona.
According to a report released on Thursday by insurance company RACC, people that use these types of transport are also five times more likely to have a dangerous or deadly accident than those who drive cars.
In total, motorbikes and scooters make up 14.7% of all the vehicles using the roads leading in and out of the Catalan capital. At rush hour, they make up 20% of the total, but this can reach up to 30%.
Since 2008, the use of motorbikes and scooters in Barcelona and the metropolitan area have increased by 41%, from 93,000 users to more than 131,000.
Despite this, the director of RACC, Lluís Puerto commended the positive impact of the types of transport. “Motorcycles (and scoorters) are playing a very important role in the containment of congestion at the metropolitan level,” he said, highlighting that it is important to take care of this type of transport.