More than 136,000 families benefit from energy voucher, up by 50% since 2020
Electricity voucher reduces bills by 40-80% for households in vulnerable situations

More than 136,000 families have benefitted from the Endesa energy voucher in Catalonia, according to data published this Wednesday by the company.
From 2020 to September 30 of this year, the number of consumers with discounted electricity bills increased by 54.8%. The number of beneficiaries has gone up by 20,287 since last year.
The energy vouchers is part of a Spanish government plan to reduce electricity bills by 40-80% for households in vulnerable situations or for those who have contracts in the regulated PVPC market.
Of the 136,153 families that benefitted from the discount in Catalonia, 63,228 live in vulnerable situations and have a reduction of 65% on their electricity bill - or 40% if they have temporary energy justice bonus. Those in more severe situations, accounting for 72,925 families in Catalonia, have discounts of up to 80%.
According to the data provided by Endesa, 56.74% of customers with these benefits qualify based on income, 37.05% are large and single-parent families, 3.45% are retired, 2.17% are low-income and 0.59% are beneficiaries of the minimum vital income.