Madrid accounted for 55% of Spain's investment in Renfe in 2021, while Catalonia received 14%
More than 20 public bodies invested solely in Madrid region

The Madrid region accounted for over half of the Spanish government's investment in public rail company Renfe in 2021, according to figures released on Tuesday.
Madrid received €352m of funding, 54.6% of the total, while Catalonia received €90.6m, 14%.
Although it relates to 2021, the data was published this week by Spain's Ministry of Finance to facilitate the calculation of fiscal balances.
Renfe Operadora received the fourth highest amount of public investment of any company in 2021, €644.9m in total.
Madrid led the ranking of spending by region, followed by Catalonia, and Andalusia, which received €55.7m.
The data published also shows that more than twenty public bodies invested solely in Madrid in 2021, including Lotteries and the Official Credit Institute (ICO).
No official calculation
Spain's finance ministry's publication of gross investment data will allow regional governments, private entities, political parties and employers' associations to make their own calculation of fiscal balances for 2021.
The Spanish government, however, said it will not carry out an official calculation as it used to do previously. They also emphasized that there are different methodologies for analyzing investment in the various Autonomous Communities.
Catalan government response
The dissemination of the raw data by the Spanish government, part of an agreement between the governing Socialists and pro-independence Junts in January, has not convinced the Catalan government.
The Esquerra Republicana (ERC) executive says the information published does not contain "anything new," and what is needed is a breakdown of spending by Autonomous Community.
"The Spanish government has not said where some €102bn of state expenditure was spent. Due to the quantity this represents, having this data is a key factor in calculating the fiscal balances. As of today, this information remains secret," the government said.
Budget warning for Sánchez
ERC's deputy spokesperson in the Spanish Congress, Teresa Jordà, issued a warning to the Spanish Prime Minister on Wednesday over his government's "recurring" non-compliance with respect to investment and the execution of Spain's budget allocated to Catalonia.
"If he wants ERC to support the Spanish 2024 budget, comply," Jordà said.