Lifeguards protest for better regulations and safety on Catalan beaches

SOS Socorristes gather in front of government's headquarters with chairs and ring buoys

Lifeguards protesting at Barcelona's Plaça Sant Jaume on June 12, 2024
Lifeguards protesting at Barcelona's Plaça Sant Jaume on June 12, 2024 / Blanca Blay

ACN | @agenciaacn | Barcelona

June 12, 2024 07:06 PM

June 12, 2024 07:07 PM

Lifeguards from all over Catalonia gathered in Barcelona on Wednesday to protest against their current working conditions. 

They are calling on the Catalan government to regulate their work in order to ensure the safety of Catalan beaches. To make their voices heard, they gathered in front of the executive's headquarters in the Plaça Sant Jaume square in the city center with high chairs and ring buoys.

A lifeguard ring buoy and a poster during a lifeguard protest on June 12, 2024 in Barcelona
A lifeguard ring buoy and a poster during a lifeguard protest on June 12, 2024 in Barcelona / Blanca Blay

They are asking for a longer working season, from May to October, as well as an obligation for town councils to adhere to some common minimum standards. A similar demand to last year's requests, which prompted Barcelona beaches lifeguards to go on strike.

"Last year, more than one thousand rescues were performed along the Catalan coast. This is work we do every day that unfortunately goes without recognition, and we’re here today because we can’t tolerate it any longer," Nacho Ibañez, one of the lifeguards protesting, told media outlets.


Some of their requests also include better chairs, as most of them are just wood elevated chairs without sun protection.

Lifeguards took to the streets to remind authorities that they were the ones rescuing people from drowning.

Their demands follow the legislation in the Balearic and Canary Islands.


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