Images of terrorists preparing for Barcelona and Cambrils attacks come to light
La Razón publishes photos of jihadist cell making explosive belts

Images of the terrorists preparing for last year’s attacks in Catalonia have come to light nearly one year on from that fateful summer’s day.
The Spanish daily La Razón published several photographs of the jihadists in the Catalan town of Ripoll preparing explosive belts and butane canisters. There are also video recordings of the group as they readied themselves for the attacks that ended up taking place in Barcelona and the coastal town of Cambrils.
"This will do a lot of damage"; "To suffer! Enemies of Allah! This is because you know that the Muslim has the honor and the strength", "with your money we prepare to kill you", "this is a lot of evil" and " all we have prepared, you will be sorry to have been born, especially you Mossos d'Esquadra. " These are some of the phrases and comments the terrorists made while making the explosive devices in the house of Alcanar.
The images are on a memory card found in a camera salvaged from the ruins of the house. Much of the building was destroyed in an explosion caused by the gas bottles.
Big targets
The jihadist cell responsible for the terrorist attacks that killed 17 people in Barcelona and Cambrils in August last year were planning to target the Camp Nou, Barcelona's football stadium, according to the Catalan newspaper El Periódico.
The police investigation revealed that their initial objective was to bomb the Sagrada Família basilica, but when their bomb factory in the southern town of Alcanar blew up they opted to carry out the attacks armed with a van and knives.
Other targets included the Eiffel tower in Paris, as well as Barcelona’s Razzmatazz concert hall, and gay bars in the seaside town of Sitges.
The mastermind behind the attacks was the imam Abdelbaki Es Satty. He arrived in the Catalan town of Ripoll in 2015, and managed to recruit a group of youngsters to carry out attacks in the name of the so-called Islamic State.