First legal case suspended in anticipation of amnesty law
Pro-independence protesters who blocked AVE high-speed rail in Girona see case pushed back

Despite not yet being processed or passed, the proposed amnesty law is already having an effect on the judicial system.
The ruling Socialist Party have already announced their support for the amnesty law that is expected to cover the acts of politicians and members of the public for acts with the ultimate goal of seeking independence for Catalonia, and the Spanish Congress will debate the law on December 12.
On Friday, the Criminal Court 2 of Girona suspended the trial of pro-independence protesters who blocked the AVE high speed rail line in the north Catalan city on the first anniversary of the independence referendum, October 1, 2018.
This would be the first recognized case of a trial suspended by the bill.
The hearing was supposed to take place on December 12 and 13, but the defense team asked the court to suspend the hearing because the case could be included in the amnesty law.
The prosecution objected, but the state's attorney supported the request.
The court has delayed the hearing for a year because it believes that if the new regulations are applied the trial would be meaningless.