Female wolf kills 17 goats after 'befriending' one of the dogs protecting the herd
Northern Girona is home to the only she-wolf reported in Catalonia in 16 years

A female wolf, the only one reported to inhabit Catalonia in the last 16 years, has killed seventeen goats in Cistella, north of Girona.
The farmer and landowner, Francesc Barbany, explained in an interview with RAC1 radio that the attacks began a year ago.
"We know it's the female wolf because she attacks the goats at the jugular, and we have footage of her," Barbany said.
Since the attacks began, Barbany has been forced to electrify the fence to protect the goats and put GPS collars on the more vulnerable animals.
"The wolf is smart and waits for us to corral the goats before attacking the ones left behind in the group," he added.
The female wolf, however, continues to visit the property to have "night dates" with the dog assigned to protect the goats.
"When it's dark, the wolf arrives, walks past the dog, and they quickly leave together," Barbany explained.
To put an end to the "friendship" between the dog, a Border Collie, and the wolf, Barbany is considering having the dog neutered before the wolf goes into heat.
The she-wolf is the only one living in Catalonia, and there are four other wolves, all males.