Female, in her fifties, urban: average Covid-19 patient in Catalonia
Graphs per municipality, gender and age range to understand how the virus is affecting Catalan residents

In just over a month, Covid-19 has gone from not being present in Catalonia – the first confirmed case was announced on February 25 – to affecting over 20,000 people, according to official figures, and killing over 2,000 of them so far.
The disease affects both genders and many age ranges and areas – but differently.
The most typical patient is a woman in her fifties who lives in an urban area, especially in the Barcelona region.
Here's an analysis – with graphs – of the general picture of the disease at the beginning of April.
The graphs are put together using the data the Catalan health department releases every evening on as well as with the website the government has recently released with detailed information on how the disease has been progressing, which is updated several times a day.
The data in the map was scraped by Isaac Besora, whom Catalan News recognizes and thanks for his work.
Higher ratio in urban areas
The map with the number of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in every town (updated on March 31, the last day for which the government released figures per municipality) shows roughly that the ratio is higher in urban or highly populated areas, especially in Barcelona and its surroundings.
The map also shows the Covid-19 cluster some 70 km North West of Barcelona, in Igualada and its neighboring towns. Confinement rules are tighter there than anywhere else.
Roughly speaking, coastal areas also report a higher ratio than the inland – there is higher population density by the sea than further away from it.
Over 20,000 cases: 9% mortality as a third recover
The total number of Covid-19 cases in Catalonia surpass the 20,000-mark, but roughly a third of them have recovered.
Over 2,000 people with the virus have died, meaning that between 9% and 10% of those diagnosed lose their lives.
New cases usually at 1,200 to 1,800 per day
The figures concerning new cases per day are never the same, but over the last few days diagnoses usually go up by 1,200 to 1,800 in daily updates.
Daily death toll around 200
The average number of people dying of coronavirus-related complications per day from late March to early April has been around 200, with daily fatalities fluctuating between 170 and 250.
Women slightly more affected
By gender, women are slightly more affected by Covid-19 than men, representing 52% of cases. Yet, it is also worth considering that women represent 51% of the population in Catalonia.
Covid-19 more prevalent among 50-to-79-year-olds
There is a higher prevalence of Covid-19 among middle-aged and elderly people, with the age ranges between 50 and 79 year-olds registering the highest number of confirmed cases. According to official figures, children are those least affected by the virus.
Men in their seventies and women in their fifties are the age and gender groups with most diagnoses, around 2,000 each.