Farmers block highways in protest against Hard Rock and Lotte projects
More than a hundred people demonstrate under the slogan 'Defend the countryside, plow the future'

More than a hundred people and a dozen tractors have set up a blockade on the AP-7 highway in Cambrils in both directions to protest against projects such as the Hard Rock or the company Lotte Energy Materials.
The demonstration, called by several entities, plans to last 24 hours.
Initially, the organization planned to also cut the A-7 motorway and the N-340 road, an option that it does not rule out for the afternoon.
According to Eloi Redón, spokesperson for the Aturem Hard Rock platform (Stop Hard Rock platform), the protest brings together various groups organizations with a common link, defending resources such as water management.
Under the slogan 'Defend the countryside, plow the future', the demonstrators intend to camp overnight and keep the protest going until Monday morning.