ERC general secretary Called to testify over Tsunami Democràtic investigation
Marta Rovira and seven others to declare on May 22 over pro-independence protest group's actions

The National Court has summoned Esquerra Republicana general secretary, Marta Rovira, along with seven others to testify by video conference from Barcelona on May 22.
Those called to declare before the judge are all being investigated as part of the 'Tsunami Democràtic case.'
Judge Manuel García-Castellón is investigating the actions of the Catalan pro-independence activist group responsible for organizing massive demonstrations after independence leaders were sentenced to prison in October 2019.
In addition to Rovira, who has been living in Switzerland since 2018, García Castellón has summoned Oriol Soler, Xavier Vendrell, Marta Molina, Jesús Rodríguez, Jaume Cabani, Oleguer Serra and Josep Lluís Alay.
The judge has also issued a European Investigation Order in Italy to locate and take a statement from, by video conference, Nicola Flavio Giulio Foglia, who is also being investigated in the case.
The judge is seeking terrorism charges against the organizers of the protests, considering Tsunami Democràtic a "structured and hierarchical organization" that had the aim of "subverting Spain's constitutional order and destabilizing the state economically and politically through massive social protests."