Driver swept away in heavy rains rescued in car by firefighters
Hundreds of calls made to emergency services as intense rainfall floods Catalonia

The Fire Department rescued the driver of a car that had been swept away by a flood in Vilassar de Mar, just north of Barcelona, this Sunday.
Emergency services were altered to the incident at 08.35 in the morning, after Catalonia experienced intense rainfall through the night.
The vehicle was stuck under a bridge and emergency service workers were able to rescue the 75-year-old man safely.
On Sunday, the fire department received around sixty calls related to the strong storms, most of them concentrated in the Maresme county north of Barcelona, due to leaks and accumulations of water or damage to buildings.
There was extreme rainfall in parts of the territory too, such as 67 liters in Masnou, 46 liters in Canet de Mar, and 40 liters in Cabrera de Mar.
The emergency telephone number 112 received a total of 663 calls in 48 hours due to the rain and storm.
Heavy hailstones the size of eggs fell in the Barcelona metropolitan area, causing some damage.
Local police said numerous parked cars were affected by the hail, as well as house windows and pipes.