Doctors warn of 'underdiagnosed' heat-related problems as weather hots up
61,000 heat-related deaths in Europe last summer, including 1,772 in Catalonia

As a new heatwave arrives in Catalonia this week, doctors are reminding people of the dangers of many heat-related problems that very often go 'underdiagnosed.'
Last summer, 120 patients with issues related to the heat were treated throughout Catalonia according to Elisenda Gómez-Angelats, a doctor in the emergency department of Hospital Clinic in Barcelona. Last year in Catalonia, 1,772 deaths could be attributed to the soaring high temperatures, according to an epidemiological analysis published in Nature Medicine.
Gómez-Angelats pointed out that cases have been rising in recent years not only because the population is getting older and has more underlying issues, but also because of climate change.
Many people suffering from heat stroke arrive at the hospital with a fever of 40 degrees or more and in a near coma-like state, the doctor explained. In these cases, there is a series of symptoms that appear 24-48 hours before which are important to revert.
Doctor Gómez-Angelats explained that it is necessary to be alert when somebody profusely sweats, has a headache, cramps, or even if nausea or diarrhea occur, which can all be symptoms in the lead-up to heat stroke.
The most important thing to do in these cases is to cool off with a fan, air conditioning, or with a cold water bath and hydrate by drinking lots of water.
If symptoms do not disappear, it's recommended to call emergency medical services.
Gómez-Angelats explained that elderly people and children are the most vulnerable.
Sometimes, the symptoms produced by the heat are confused with those of the disease itself. "24-48 hours after the start of the heat wave, we start seeing elderly people with underlying issues do not come because of heat stroke but because of heat exhaustion," the Hospital Clinic medical professional points out.
"We see many patients who, when they arrive at the emergency room, start to recover because there is air conditioning," she added. "But because they already have another illness, they think their symptoms are caused by that disease, but it is the heat."
The doctor stressed the need to avoid the hours of the most intense sunshine, between 12-4 pm, and recommended exercising early in the morning or late in the evening as the temperatures are milder and it is easier to find areas of shade.
As well as that, regular hydration and wearing light clothing are also recommended.
Heat warning from Tuesday
Catalonia's Civil Protection Agency activated an alert of its Civil Protection Plan (PROCICAT) on Monday, due to the very intense heat forecast from noon on Tuesday in almost all parts of Catalonia.
Extreme temperatures of over 40C or 41C are forecast in the regions of Lleida and La Garrotxa, but all areas are due to be affected, except Terres de l’Ebre, Tarragona, and the Barcelona coast.
The Civil Protection Agency asks the public to avoid being outside during the middle of the day, and to keep hydrated.
They advise extreme precaution when bathing on beaches and in swimming pools, after last weekend four people lost their lives on Catalan beaches.
61,000 heat-related deaths in Europe
A total of 61,672 people lost their lives due to the extreme heat experienced in Europe during the summer of 2022, the hottest ever recorded on the continent and characterized by intense heat waves that broke temperature records and led to drought and forest fires.
This is the main finding of a study by ISGlobal in Barcelona, in collaboration with the France's National Institute for Research in Health and Medicine, published on Monday.
In absolute terms, the country with the highest number of heat-attributable deaths over the entire summer of 2022 was Italy, with a total of 18,010 deaths, followed by Spain (11,324) and Germany (8,173).
If the data is ordered by heat-related mortality rate, the top country is Italy, with 295 deaths per million, followed by Greece (280), Spain (237) and Portugal (211). The European average was estimated at 114 deaths per million.
The study included an analysis by age and sex, which showed a very marked increase in mortality in older age groups, and especially in women. In fact, heat-attributable mortality was 63% higher in women than in men.
1,772 heat-related deaths in Catalonia
In Catalonia, there were an estimated 1,772 heat-related deaths between May 30 and September 4, 2022. Most were in the province of Barcelona (1,327), followed by Tarragona (197), Girona (206) and Lleida (89).
The mortality rate was highest in Tarragona (240 deaths per million), followed by Barcelona (235), Girona (206) and Lledia (203). The overall mortality rate in Catalonia was 237 deaths per million.