Politics, Society

'We cannot stay silent': Gaza conflict echoed at International Brigades homage event in Barcelona

1,100 march in Catalan capital on Saturday against Israel's military attacks

Homage to the International Brigades in Barcelona, October 29, 2023
Homage to the International Brigades in Barcelona, October 29, 2023 / Lourdes Casademont
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

October 29, 2023 02:45 PM

October 29, 2023 02:47 PM

The conflict in Gaza resonated with the attendees and speakers at the annual tribute to the International Brigades in Barcelona on Sunday.

At an homage event held on Rambla del Carmel in the Catalan capital, the memory of the fighters who volunteered from abroad to take part in the Spanish Civil War was honored.

"We cannot stay silent about what is happening [in Gaza], we express our solidarity with the people of Palestine and the terrible situation they are experiencing as a result of a conflict that has lasted too long," the president of the Friends of the International Brigades association, Edward Amouroux.

Catalonia's justice minister, Gemma Ubasart, called for the need to strengthen historical memory initiatives among young people in the face rising neo-fascist and ultra-conservative parties.

Demonstration against Israel's military attacks

Meanwhile, on Saturday in Barcelona, around 1,100 people took part in a demonstration against Israel's military intervention in Gaza.

The march started on Rambla del Raval and moved to Passeig de Gràcia, where the European Commission offices are located.

The protest was called by a Palestinian support group after Israeli forces bombed Gaza again and left it without communication.

This demonstration comes after thousands attended last Saturday's protest in Barcelona against the Israeli attacks


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