Children’s parks reopen and movement restrictions lifted as Catalonia exits state of alarm
Catalan government regains control of whole territory after 3-month lockdown imposed by Spain

The state of alarm imposed by Spain to prevent the spread of Covid-19 ended in Catalonia on Friday, after a decree signed by president Quim Torra came into force at midnight.
Lockdown measures were eased, movement restrictions lifted, and children’s parks reopened in Barcelona - after passing through Phase 3 - three months after Madrid triggered the state of alarm amid a surge in coronavirus cases.
As Catalonia enters a new phase in the fight against the pandemic, the government insists on the importance of wearing face masks, respecting the 1.5-meter interpersonal distance, and washing hands often.
President Torra stressed that his government trusts citizens to follow these safety recommendations, and that’s why Catalonia is moving "from prohibition to responsibility".