Catalans believe immigration is good for economy and cultural life, according to new survey
Results show 32% of Catalans believe feminism has gone too far

The majority of Catalans believe that immigration is good for the Catalan economy and enriches cultural life, according to the latest data published Wednesday by the Catalan-government-owned survey agency (CEO).
In the survey, 60% of all respondents gave a positive rating – more than 5 on a scale from 0 to 10, with an average of 5.5. More than half of the respondents also stated that newcomers contribute to the enrichment of Catalan cultural life.
However, 31% of respondents said they didn’t feel at home with the current level of immigration, while 43% said they did.
In the same survey, Catalans were also asked about issues related to gender equality.
When asked if feminism had gone too far, 32% of respondents agreed. In particular, male respondents (36%) were more likely to agree than female respondents (29%), with 54% of the young men between the ages of 16-24 being the group most likely to agree with the statement.
In addition, some 43% of respondents believe that some women make false accusations for economic gain or to hurt their partner, with the percentage rising to 59% among young men aged 16 and 24
Political intersections
When it comes to immigration, respondents who vote for left-wing parties such as En Comú Podem, the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), and the far-left CUP were the most positive.
The pro-independence Esquerra Republicana and Ciutadans voters’ opinion on immigration was around the average, while the pro-independence Junts per Catalunya, conservative People’s Party (PP), and the far-right Vox were all below the average in their positive response to the immigration to Catalonia.
In terms of equality and feminism, Vox voters are the only ones who believe that those who suffer from unequal treatment are men.
Furthermore, two-thirds of the far-right voters defend sexist jokes or disapprove of education that focuses on sexual harassment.