Catalan public broadcaster complains of 'Goverment-funded Media' Twitter tag
Corporation is making "appropriate arrangements" for the social network to change label

Catalonia's public broadcaster, TV3, has complained about being labeled as 'Government-funded Media' on social network platform Twitter.
TV3's disagreement with this tag comes after similar complaints from Spain's public broadcaster RTVE, the BBC, and American channels NPR and PBS which left Twitter in protest.
Sources from the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation (CCMA) have let the Catalan News Agency know that "appropriate arrangements" are being made to have this tag changed.
Some other European public media outlets, such as the BBC, have had requests to change the label to 'Publicly-funded media' accepted by Twitter.
The social media outlet initially gave such tags to media outlets based in undemocratic regimes, leading to outrage around the world when other outlets were given the same status. By extending the tag to other media, its impartiality is compromised, according to the complainants.
Similar to RTVE, the CCMA is financed with a budget allocation approved by the Parliament. The Catalan chamber acts as an inspector of the public media TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio, with periodic commissions in which their leaders hold accounts to the parliamentary groups. The label 'Government-funded Media' is therefore inaccurate.