Lowest fertility rate of century, with 1.17 children per woman in 2022
Birth rate in Catalonia fell by 2.3% last year

Last year in Catalonia, the fertility rate was 1.17 children per woman, according to Catalonia's IDESCAT statistics institute, the lowest figure of the century after a decade in decline.
56,316 babies were born in Catalonia in 2022, 2.3% less than the previous year and the lowest number since 1996 when there were 54,602.
Two in three babies born in 2022 had a Spanish mother, 37,903 in total. And one in three, 18,413, had foreign national mothers, a 1.1% year-on-year increase.
The average age of women who give birth is 32.6, while the average age of first-time mothers is 31.6.
Excluding Spanish nationals, the most common countries of origin of mothers of newborns last year were Morocco (4,931), Pakistan (1,253), and Romania (922).
Leo and Júlia, top baby names in Catalonia
For the first time, Leo is the most popular name among newborn boys, with 433 children given that name, followed by Nil (425) and Marc (398). Marc had been the most popular boy's name since 1997.
Júlia was the most popular name among newborn girls, with 440 of them, followed by Ona (414) and Martina (396).