Barcelona police update car fleet with cutting edge technology
Hybrid hatchbacks will be kitted with number plate detectors, as well as equipment to better attend accidents

The Barcelona local police have upgraded their fleet. The Guardia Urbana has equipped new hybrid cars with state-of-the art technology to spot people who shun the rules of the road, and also to better attend victims of accidents.
Number plate detectors and a recording system to monitor the transfer of the detainees are just some of the latest installations in the updated fleet. Before this upgrade, however, the Barcelona police force was out-of-date when it came to catching criminals on the city’s roads.
“Now the only we have to know if a vehicle is stolen, has municpal regulations, or a ban, is by stopping them and consulting the database,” said inspector Xavier García. “Now the computer will do it directly.”
The detectors, fitted in 45 of the cars, can read 80 number plates per minute. They are directly connected to the police database, and will alert officers automatically if something is amiss with a particular vehicle.
Not only will the 100 new cars be better at catching lawbreakers, they will also aid police in saving lives. Each car comes equipped with a defibrillator and a kit for treating injuries.
The new hatchbacks will also be fitted with message panels to be used to in the case of accidents or alcohol and drug controls, as well as other situations.
The 100 new cars were unveiled today in the Catalan capital, but the Guardia Urbana will incorporate 45 more by the end of the year.